In the week before Labor Day, Eli, a dirt-poor country farmer won the Lottery – half a million dollars.  So to celebrate, he treated his wife and their four kids to a trip to see the Labor Day parade in New York.

He booked them rooms in the Sheraton International at the corner of Park Circle and Central Park North.  They’d never been to anywhere like New York before, in fact they’d never traveled further afield than their local town, so when they got there they were completely bowled over by all the glitz, glamor and excitement of the “Big Apple”.

Eli and his son Clem were particularly mesmerized by a shiny box with silver walls in the hotel reception. They’d never before come across doors that could move apart, and then automatically close again, as neither had seen an elevator before.  So they were totally amazed when a little old lady entered the shiny box and the doors closed on her. The lights on the wall by the doors flashed for a minute or so, then the doors opened and out stepped a beautiful young woman.

Eli turned to Clem and said, “Son, go get your mother.”

“Labor Day is a glorious holiday because your child will be going back to school the next day. It would have been called Independence Day, but that name was already taken.” ~ Bill Dodds

A bank worker quit on the first week of his new job.   
A worker was annoyed about only being allowed to use his left arm during work.  
A worker was really excited about buying his first broom for his job as a cleaner.  
A young boy started interning for a company that sold vaults.  
5. Did you hear about the Labor Day joke?  
My dog has been recently working as a door-to-door salesman.  
What is the only dinosaur that didn’t do any kind of physical labor?  
What did Bob tell his parents about his career goal?  
What did the pilot say when he hadn’t studied for his big airlines exam
10. Why can’t people with temper issues ever become good badminton players?  
Why did a boy not end up being a barber?  
Why did a woman not want to ever go to work again because of what her boss said?  
Why did the astrologer not choose to become a historian when he was in high school?  
Why did the man leave his job at the donut shop?  
15. Why did the tailor leave his job?  
Why did the young girl resign from her job at the Velcro factory?  
Why didn’t the government pay attention to the issues of the local workers who worked in caves on labor day?  
Why shouldn’t people who don’t like stressful jobs work for pool maintenance?  
Why shouldn’t people with a mean attitude become masseurs?  
20. Why was the astronomist so happy about his first job? 
Why was the diva so excited about starting her mirror inspecting job?
hy was the young boy’s mother unhappy about him becoming a baker?  
Why were the police on a lookout for Mike, the maze designer? 

Everyone calls him a ‘labour-a-door’ in short.
He didn’t see a future in that field.
He didn’t want to give up his rights.
He easily got exhausted of the hole concept.
He felt de-pleated at the end of each day.
He had gotten lost in his own work.
He just didn’t have a lot of interest in it.
He told her that she’s fired.
He tried to, but he just didn’t make the cut.
He was finally in the in-dust-ry.
His career was looking up.
I am aspirin’ to be a professional pharmacist.
I’m just going to wing it.
It doesn’t work for me.
Nobody wants to be rubbed the wrong way.
Now he really treasures his time.
She could see herself doing it for a long time.
She thought he wasn’t making enough dough.
She tried very hard, but in the end, she couldn’t stick with it.
The work is considered to be rather draining.
They considered them miner issues.
They’re too high strung.



·ʞɹoʍ uʍo sᴉɥ uᴉ ʇsoๅ uǝʇʇoɓ pɐɥ ǝH  ¿ɹǝuɓᴉsǝp ǝzɐɯ ǝɥʇ ʻǝʞᴉW ɹoɟ ʇnoʞooๅ ɐ uo ǝɔᴉๅod ǝɥʇ ǝɹǝʍ ʎɥM

·ɥɓnop ɥɓnouǝ ɓuᴉʞɐɯ ʇˌusɐʍ ǝɥ ʇɥɓnoɥʇ ǝɥS  ¿ɹǝʞɐq ɐ ɓuᴉɯoɔǝq ɯᴉɥ ʇnoqɐ ʎddɐɥun ɹǝɥʇoɯ sˌʎoq ɓunoʎ ǝɥʇ sɐʍ ʎɥM

·ǝɯᴉʇ ɓuoๅ ɐ ɹoɟ ʇᴉ ɓuᴉop ɟๅǝsɹǝɥ ǝǝs pๅnoɔ ǝɥS  ¿qoſ ɓuᴉʇɔǝdsuᴉ ɹoɹɹᴉɯ ɹǝɥ ɓuᴉʇɹɐʇs ʇnoqɐ pǝʇᴉɔxǝ os ɐʌᴉp ǝɥʇ sɐʍ ʎɥM

·dn ɓuᴉʞooๅ sɐʍ ɹǝǝɹɐɔ sᴉH  ¿qoſ ʇsɹᴉɟ sᴉɥ ʇnoqɐ ʎddɐɥ os ʇsᴉɯouoɹʇsɐ ǝɥʇ sɐʍ ʎɥM

·ʎɐʍ ɓuoɹʍ ǝɥʇ pǝqqnɹ ǝq oʇ sʇuɐʍ ʎpoqoN  ¿sɹnǝssɐɯ ǝɯoɔǝq ǝpnʇᴉʇʇɐ uɐǝɯ ɐ ɥʇᴉʍ ǝๅdoǝd ʇˌupๅnoɥs ʎɥM

·ɓuᴉuᴉɐɹp ɹǝɥʇɐɹ ǝq oʇ pǝɹǝpᴉsuoɔ sᴉ ʞɹoʍ ǝɥꓕ  ¿ǝɔuɐuǝʇuᴉɐɯ ๅood ɹoɟ ʞɹoʍ sqoſ ๅnɟssǝɹʇs ǝʞᴉๅ ʇˌuop oɥʍ ǝๅdoǝd ʇˌupๅnoɥs ʎɥM

·sǝnssᴉ ɹǝuᴉɯ ɯǝɥʇ pǝɹǝpᴉsuoɔ ʎǝɥꓕ  ¿ʎɐp ɹoqɐๅ uo sǝʌɐɔ uᴉ pǝʞɹoʍ oɥʍ sɹǝʞɹoʍ ๅɐɔoๅ ǝɥʇ ɟo sǝnssᴉ ǝɥʇ oʇ uoᴉʇuǝʇʇɐ ʎɐd ʇuǝɯuɹǝʌoɓ ǝɥʇ ʇˌupᴉp ʎɥM

·ʇᴉ ɥʇᴉʍ ʞɔᴉʇs ʇˌupๅnoɔ ǝɥs ʻpuǝ ǝɥʇ uᴉ ʇnq ʻpɹɐɥ ʎɹǝʌ pǝᴉɹʇ ǝɥS  ¿ʎɹoʇɔɐɟ oɹɔๅǝꓥ ǝɥʇ ʇɐ qoſ ɹǝɥ ɯoɹɟ uɓᴉsǝɹ ๅɹᴉɓ ɓunoʎ ǝɥʇ pᴉp ʎɥM

·ʎɐp ɥɔɐǝ ɟo puǝ ǝɥʇ ʇɐ pǝʇɐǝๅd-ǝp ʇๅǝɟ ǝH  ¿qoſ sᴉɥ ǝʌɐǝๅ ɹoๅᴉɐʇ ǝɥʇ pᴉp ʎɥM

·ʇdǝɔuoɔ ǝๅoɥ ǝɥʇ ɟo pǝʇsnɐɥxǝ ʇoɓ ʎๅᴉsɐǝ ǝH  ¿doɥs ʇnuop ǝɥʇ ʇɐ qoſ sᴉɥ ǝʌɐǝๅ uɐɯ ǝɥʇ pᴉp ʎɥM

·pๅǝᴉɟ ʇɐɥʇ uᴉ ǝɹnʇnɟ ɐ ǝǝs ʇˌupᴉp ǝH  ¿ๅooɥɔs ɥɓᴉɥ uᴉ sɐʍ ǝɥ uǝɥʍ uɐᴉɹoʇsᴉɥ ɐ ǝɯoɔǝq oʇ ǝsooɥɔ ʇou ɹǝɓoๅoɹʇsɐ ǝɥʇ pᴉp ʎɥM

·pǝɹᴉɟ sˌǝɥs ʇɐɥʇ ɹǝɥ pๅoʇ ǝH  ¿pᴉɐs ssoq ɹǝɥ ʇɐɥʍ ɟo ǝsnɐɔǝq uᴉɐɓɐ ʞɹoʍ oʇ oɓ ɹǝʌǝ oʇ ʇuɐʍ ʇou uɐɯoʍ ɐ pᴉp ʎɥM

·ʇnɔ ǝɥʇ ǝʞɐɯ ʇˌupᴉp ʇsnſ ǝɥ ʇnq ʻoʇ pǝᴉɹʇ ǝH  ¿ɹǝqɹɐq ɐ ɓuᴉǝq dn puǝ ʇou ʎoq ɐ pᴉp ʎɥM

·ɓunɹʇs ɥɓᴉɥ ooʇ ǝɹˌʎǝɥꓕ  ¿sɹǝʎɐๅd uoʇuᴉɯpɐq pooɓ ǝɯoɔǝq ɹǝʌǝ sǝnssᴉ ɹǝdɯǝʇ ɥʇᴉʍ ǝๅdoǝd ʇˌuɐɔ ʎɥM

·ʇᴉ ɓuᴉʍ oʇ ɓuᴉoɓ ʇsnſ ɯˌI  ¿ɯɐxǝ sǝuᴉๅɹᴉɐ ɓᴉq sᴉɥ ɹoɟ pǝᴉpnʇs ʇˌupɐɥ ǝɥ uǝɥʍ ʎɐs ʇoๅᴉd ǝɥʇ pᴉp ʇɐɥM

·ʇsᴉɔɐɯɹɐɥd ๅɐuoᴉssǝɟoɹd ɐ ǝq oʇ ˌuᴉɹᴉdsɐ ɯɐ I  ¿ๅɐoɓ ɹǝǝɹɐɔ sᴉɥ ʇnoqɐ sʇuǝɹɐd sᴉɥ ๅๅǝʇ qoꓭ pᴉp ʇɐɥM

ɹnɐsᴉʞɔɐqʎɯ  ¿ɹoqɐๅ ๅɐɔᴉsʎɥd ɟo puᴉʞ ʎuɐ op ʇˌupᴉp ʇɐɥʇ ɹnɐsouᴉp ʎๅuo ǝɥʇ sᴉ ʇɐɥM

·ʇɹoɥs uᴉ ˌɹoop-ɐ-ɹnoqɐๅˌ ɐ ɯᴉɥ sๅๅɐɔ ǝuoʎɹǝʌƎ  ·uɐɯsǝๅɐs ɹoop-oʇ-ɹoop ɐ sɐ ɓuᴉʞɹoʍ ʎๅʇuǝɔǝɹ uǝǝq sɐɥ ɓop ʎW

·ǝɯ ɹoɟ ʞɹoʍ ʇ’usǝop ʇI  ¿ǝʞoſ ʎɐꓷ ɹoqɐꓶ ǝɥʇ ʇnoqɐ ɹɐǝɥ noʎ pᴉꓷ

·ǝɯᴉʇ sᴉɥ sǝɹnsɐǝɹʇ ʎๅๅɐǝɹ ǝɥ ʍoN  ·sʇๅnɐʌ pๅos ʇɐɥʇ ʎuɐdɯoɔ ɐ ɹoɟ ɓuᴉuɹǝʇuᴉ pǝʇɹɐʇs ʎoq ɓunoʎ Ɐ

·ʎɹ-ʇsnp-uᴉ ǝɥʇ uᴉ ʎๅๅɐuᴉɟ sɐʍ ǝH  ·ɹǝuɐǝๅɔ ɐ sɐ qoſ sᴉɥ ɹoɟ ɯooɹq ʇsɹᴉɟ sᴉɥ ɓuᴉʎnq ʇnoqɐ pǝʇᴉɔxǝ ʎๅๅɐǝɹ sɐʍ ɹǝʞɹoʍ Ɐ

·sʇɥɓᴉɹ sᴉɥ dn ǝʌᴉɓ oʇ ʇuɐʍ ʇˌupᴉp ǝH  ·ʞɹoʍ ɓuᴉɹnp ɯɹɐ ʇɟǝๅ sᴉɥ ǝsn oʇ pǝʍoๅๅɐ ɓuᴉǝq ʎๅuo ʇnoqɐ pǝʎouuɐ sɐʍ ɹǝʞɹoʍ Ɐ

·ʇᴉ uᴉ ʇsǝɹǝʇuᴉ ɟo ʇoๅ ɐ ǝʌɐɥ ʇˌupᴉp ʇsnſ ǝH   ·qoſ ʍǝu sᴉɥ ɟo ʞǝǝʍ ʇsɹᴉɟ ǝɥʇ uo ʇᴉnb ɹǝʞɹoʍ ʞuɐq Ɐ