The tail is a dog’s PR department.
A smile is yours!

Be loyal.
Make new friends.
Delight in the simple joys of a long walk.
Unleash your talent.
Learn new tricks, no matter your age.
When loved ones come home,
always run to greet them!

What do you get if you cross a Beatle and an Australian dog?
What do you get if you cross a chili pepper, a shovel and a terrier?
What do you get if you cross a cocker spaniel, a poodle and a rooster?
What do you get if you cross a frog and a dog?
5. What do you get if you cross a pit bull and Lassie?
What do you get if you cross an airplane and a dog?
What do you get if you cross a Labrador with cookie dough?
What do you get if you cross a marigold with a sheepdog?
What do you get if you cross a yellow phone with a dog?
10. Did you hear about the dog that gave birth to puppies at the side of the road?
How did the little Scottish dog feel when he saw a monster?
How do fleas travel from place to place?
If dogs have fleas, what do sheep have?
Is it raining cats and dogs?
15. What animal keeps the best time?
What breed of dog does Dracula have?
What breed of dog loves living in the Big Apple?
What did one flea say to the other?
What did the Dalmatian say when he finished his meal?
20. What did the dog say when he sat on sandpaper?
What do a tree and a dog have in common?
What do dogs eat at the movies?
What do you call a black Alaskan dog?
What do you call a dog that got left outside in the cold?
25. What do you call a happy Lassie?
What do you call a nutty dog in Australia?
What do you call young dogs who play in the snow?
What do you get if you cross a dog with a calculator?
What does a dog wear in the summer?
30. What dog breed really enjoys bath time?
What dog breed will chase after anything that’s colored red?
What dog has bark but no bite?
What happened to the dog that swallowed a firefly?
What happened when the pooch went to watch the flea circus?
35. What happens when it rains cats and dogs?
What instrument can all dogs play?
What is a vampire’s favorite breed of dog?
What is more impressive than a talking dog? 
What kind of dog likes to smell flowers?
40. What type of markets do dogs avoid?
What’s a baby dog’s favorite soda?
What is a dog’s favorite dessert?
What’s a dog’s favorite food for breakfast?
What’s a dog’s favorite pizza topping?
45. What’s the difference between a basketball player and a dog?
What’s the difference between a dog and a marine biologist?
What’s the quietest breed of dog?
What’s your dog’s favorite food?
When is a black dog not a black dog?
50. When your dog is watching a video, how does he stop it?
Where do Eskimos train their dogs?
Who is the most famous dog detective?
Why did the Dalmatian need to see his eye doctor?
Why did the dachshund bite the woman’s ankle?
55. Why did the puppy cross the road?
Why don’t blind people like to sky dive?
Why don’t dogs make good dancers?
Why is a tree like a big dog?
Why was the dog sweating?

A New Yorkie
A best friend you can count on
A bulldog
Anything that’s on your dinner table
Bud hound
By itch-hiking
Croaker spaniel
Dingo Starr
Dog biscuits
Dog that bites you, and then goes to get help 
Dogwood tree
Dusky husky
Flea markets
Golden Receiver
He couldn’t reach any higher
He had spots before his eyes
He presses the paws
He stole the whole show
He was a hotdog
His coat and pants
Hush puppy
In the mush room
It barked with de-light
It scares their guide dog
It’s okay, as long as it doesn’t rein-deer
Jet setter
Jolly collie
Lots of bark
One dribbles and the other drools
One wags his tail and the other tags a whale
Pooched eggs
She got a ticket for littering
Sherlock Bones
Should we walk or take a dog
Slush puppies
Spelling bee
That’s sure hit the spots
They both have lot of bark
They have two left feet
To get to the barking lot
Watch dog
When it’s a greyhound
You might step in a poodle


ɓopʇoɥ ɐ sɐʍ ǝH  ¿ɓuᴉʇɐǝʍs ɓop ǝɥʇ sɐʍ ʎɥM

ʞɹɐq ɟo ʇoๅ ǝʌɐɥ ɥʇoq ʎǝɥꓕ  ¿ɓop ɓᴉq ɐ ǝʞᴉๅ ǝǝɹʇ ɐ sᴉ ʎɥM

ʇǝǝɟ ʇɟǝๅ oʍʇ ǝʌɐɥ ʎǝɥꓕ  ¿sɹǝɔuɐp pooɓ ǝʞɐɯ sɓop ʇˌuop ʎɥM

ɓop ǝpᴉnɓ ɹᴉǝɥʇ sǝɹɐɔs ʇI  ¿ǝʌᴉp ʎʞs oʇ ǝʞᴉๅ ǝๅdoǝd puᴉๅq ʇˌuop ʎɥM

ʇoๅ ɓuᴉʞɹɐq ǝɥʇ oʇ ʇǝɓ oꓕ  ¿pɐoɹ ǝɥʇ ssoɹɔ ʎddnd ǝɥʇ pᴉp ʎɥM

ɹǝɥɓᴉɥ ʎuɐ ɥɔɐǝɹ ʇˌupๅnoɔ ǝH  ¿ǝๅʞuɐ sˌuɐɯoʍ ǝɥʇ ǝʇᴉq punɥsɥɔɐp ǝɥʇ pᴉp ʎɥM

sǝʎǝ sᴉɥ ǝɹoɟǝq sʇods pɐɥ ǝH  ¿ɹoʇɔop ǝʎǝ sᴉɥ ǝǝs oʇ pǝǝu uɐᴉʇɐɯๅɐꓷ ǝɥʇ pᴉp ʎɥM

sǝuoꓭ ʞɔoๅɹǝɥS  ¿ǝʌᴉʇɔǝʇǝp ɓop snoɯɐɟ ʇsoɯ ǝɥʇ sᴉ oɥM

ɯooɹ ɥsnɯ ǝɥʇ uI  ¿sɓop ɹᴉǝɥʇ uᴉɐɹʇ soɯᴉʞsƎ op ǝɹǝɥM

sʍɐd ǝɥʇ sǝssǝɹd ǝH  ¿ʇᴉ doʇs ǝɥ sǝop ʍoɥ ʻoǝpᴉʌ ɐ ɓuᴉɥɔʇɐʍ sᴉ ɓop ɹnoʎ uǝɥM

punoɥʎǝɹɓ ɐ sˌʇᴉ uǝɥM  ¿ɓop ʞɔɐๅq ɐ ʇou ɓop ʞɔɐๅq ɐ sᴉ uǝɥM

ǝๅqɐʇ ɹǝuuᴉp ɹnoʎ uo s’ʇɐɥʇ ɓuᴉɥʇʎuⱯ  ¿pooɟ ǝʇᴉɹoʌɐɟ s’ɓop ɹnoʎ s’ʇɐɥM

ʎddnd ɥsnH  ¿ɓop ɟo pǝǝɹq ʇsǝʇǝᴉnb ǝɥʇ s’ʇɐɥM

ǝๅɐɥʍ ɐ sɓɐʇ ɹǝɥʇo ǝɥʇ puɐ ๅᴉɐʇ sᴉɥ sɓɐʍ ǝuO  ¿ʇsᴉɓoๅoᴉq ǝuᴉɹɐɯ ɐ puɐ ɓop ɐ uǝǝʍʇǝq ǝɔuǝɹǝɟɟᴉp ǝɥʇ s’ʇɐɥM

sๅooɹp ɹǝɥʇo ǝɥʇ puɐ sǝๅqqᴉɹp ǝuO  ¿ɓop ɐ puɐ ɹǝʎɐๅd ๅๅɐqʇǝʞsɐq ɐ uǝǝʍʇǝq ǝɔuǝɹǝɟɟᴉp ǝɥʇ s’ʇɐɥM

¡ᴉuoɹǝddnꓒ  ¿ɓuᴉddoʇ ɐzzᴉd ǝʇᴉɹoʌɐɟ s’ɓop ɐ s’ʇɐɥM

sɓɓǝ pǝɥɔooꓒ  ¿ʇsɐɟʞɐǝɹq ɹoɟ pooɟ ǝʇᴉɹoʌɐɟ s’ɓop ɐ s’ʇɐɥM

sǝʞɐɔdnꓒ  ¿ʇɹǝssǝp ǝʇᴉɹoʌɐɟ sˌɓop ɐ sᴉ ʇɐɥM

ɐๅoɔ-ᴉsdnꓒ  ¿ɐpos ǝʇᴉɹoʌɐɟ s’ɓop ʎqɐq ɐ s’ʇɐɥM

sʇǝʞɹɐɯ ɐǝๅꓞ  ¿pᴉoʌɐ sɓop op sʇǝʞɹɐɯ ɟo ǝdʎʇ ʇɐɥM

punoɥ pnꓭ  ¿sɹǝʍoๅɟ ๅๅǝɯs oʇ sǝʞᴉๅ ɓop ɟo puᴉʞ ʇɐɥM

ǝǝq ɓuᴉๅๅǝdS  ¿ɓop ɓuᴉʞๅɐʇ ɐ uɐɥʇ ǝʌᴉssǝɹdɯᴉ ǝɹoɯ sᴉ ʇɐɥM

punoɥpooๅꓭ  ¿ɓop ɟo pǝǝɹq ǝʇᴉɹoʌɐɟ s’ǝɹᴉdɯɐʌ ɐ sᴉ ʇɐɥM

ǝuoqɯoɹꓕ  ¿ʎɐๅd sɓop ๅๅɐ uɐɔ ʇuǝɯnɹʇsuᴉ ʇɐɥM

ǝๅpood ɐ uᴉ dǝʇs ʇɥɓᴉɯ no⅄  ¿sɓop puɐ sʇɐɔ suᴉɐɹ ʇᴉ uǝɥʍ suǝddɐɥ ʇɐɥM

ʍoɥs ǝๅoɥʍ ǝɥʇ ǝๅoʇs ǝH  ¿snɔɹᴉɔ ɐǝๅɟ ǝɥʇ ɥɔʇɐʍ oʇ ʇuǝʍ ɥɔood ǝɥʇ uǝɥʍ pǝuǝddɐɥ ʇɐɥM

ʇɥɓᴉๅ-ǝp ɥʇᴉʍ pǝʞɹɐq ʇI  ¿ʎๅɟǝɹᴉɟ ɐ pǝʍoๅๅɐʍs ʇɐɥʇ ɓop ǝɥʇ oʇ pǝuǝddɐɥ ʇɐɥM

ǝǝɹʇ pooʍɓoꓷ  ¿ǝʇᴉq ou ʇnq ʞɹɐq sɐɥ ɓop ʇɐɥM

¡ɓopๅๅnq Ɐ  ¿pǝɹ pǝɹoๅoɔ s’ʇɐɥʇ ɓuᴉɥʇʎuɐ ɹǝʇɟɐ ǝsɐɥɔ ๅๅᴉʍ pǝǝɹq ɓop ʇɐɥM

ǝๅpoodɯɐɥS  ¿ǝɯᴉʇ ɥʇɐq sʎoſuǝ ʎๅๅɐǝɹ pǝǝɹq ɓop ʇɐɥM

sʇuɐd puɐ ʇɐoɔ sᴉH  ¿ɹǝɯɯns ǝɥʇ uᴉ ɹɐǝʍ ɓop ɐ sǝop ʇɐɥM

ɹǝʌᴉǝɔǝꓤ uǝpๅoꓨ  ¿ɓop ɐ ɥʇᴉʍ ǝuoɥd ʍoๅๅǝʎ ɐ ssoɹɔ noʎ ɟᴉ ʇǝɓ noʎ op ʇɐɥM

ɹǝʍoๅɟ-ǝᴉๅๅoꓛ  ¿ɓopdǝǝɥs ɐ ɥʇᴉʍ pๅoɓᴉɹɐɯ ɐ ssoɹɔ noʎ ɟᴉ ʇǝɓ noʎ op ʇɐɥM

sʇᴉnɔsᴉq ɓoꓷ  ¿ɥɓnop ǝᴉʞooɔ ɥʇᴉʍ ɹopɐɹqɐꓶ ɐ ssoɹɔ noʎ ɟᴉ ʇǝɓ noʎ op ʇɐɥM

ɹǝʇʇǝs ʇǝſ  ¿ɓop ɐ puɐ ǝuɐๅdɹᴉɐ uɐ ssoɹɔ noʎ ɟᴉ ʇǝɓ noʎ op ʇɐɥM

dๅǝɥ ʇǝɓ oʇ sǝoɓ uǝɥʇ puɐ ʻnoʎ sǝʇᴉq ʇɐɥʇ ɓoꓷ  ¿ǝᴉssɐꓶ puɐ ๅๅnq ʇᴉd ɐ ssoɹɔ noʎ uǝɥʍ ʇǝɓ noʎ op ʇɐɥM

ๅǝᴉuɐds ɹǝʞɐoɹꓛ  ¿ɓop ɐ puɐ ɓoɹɟ ɐ ssoɹɔ noʎ ɟᴉ ʇǝɓ noʎ op ʇɐɥM

oopǝๅpoodɹǝʞɔoꓛ  ¿ɹǝʇsooɹ ɐ puɐ ǝๅpood ɐ ʻๅǝᴉuɐds ɹǝʞɔoɔ ɐ ssoɹɔ noʎ ɟᴉ ʇǝɓ noʎ op ʇɐɥM

ɓop-ʎʇᴉɓɓᴉp-ʇoH  ¿ɹǝᴉɹɹǝʇ ɐ puɐ ๅǝʌoɥs ɐ ʻɹǝddǝd ᴉๅᴉɥɔ ɐ ssoɹɔ noʎ ɟᴉ ʇǝɓ noʎ op ʇɐɥM

uo ʇunoɔ uɐɔ noʎ puǝᴉɹɟ ʇsǝq Ɐ  ¿ɓop ɐ puɐ ɹoʇɐๅnɔๅɐɔ ɐ ssoɹɔ noʎ uǝɥʍ ʇǝɓ noʎ op ʇɐɥM

ɹɹɐʇS oɓuᴉꓷ  ¿ɓop uɐᴉๅɐɹʇsnⱯ uɐ puɐ ǝๅʇɐǝꓭ ɐ ssoɹɔ noʎ ɟᴉ ʇǝɓ noʎ op ʇɐɥM

sǝᴉddnd ɥsnๅS  ¿ʍous ǝɥʇ uᴉ ʎɐๅd oɥʍ sɓop ɓunoʎ ๅๅɐɔ noʎ op ʇɐɥM

ɓuᴉๅ-oɓuᴉꓷ  ¿ɐᴉๅɐɹʇsnⱯ uᴉ ɓop ʎʇʇnu ɐ ๅๅɐɔ noʎ op ʇɐɥM

ǝᴉๅๅoɔ ʎๅๅoſ  ¿ǝᴉssɐꓶ ʎddɐɥ ɐ ๅๅɐɔ noʎ op ʇɐɥM

¡ǝๅɔᴉsdnꓒ  ¿pๅoɔ ǝɥʇ uᴉ ǝpᴉsʇno ʇɟǝๅ ʇoɓ ʇɐɥʇ ɓop ɐ ๅๅɐɔ noʎ op ʇɐɥM

ʎʞsnɥ ʎʞsnꓷ  ¿ɓop uɐʞsɐๅⱯ ʞɔɐๅq ɐ ๅๅɐɔ noʎ op ʇɐɥM

uɹoɔ-dnꓒ  ¿sǝᴉʌoɯ ǝɥʇ ʇɐ ʇɐǝ sɓop op ʇɐɥM

ʞɹɐq ɟo sʇoꓶ  ¿uoɯɯoɔ uᴉ ǝʌɐɥ ɓop ɐ puɐ ǝǝɹʇ ɐ op ʇɐɥM

ɟɟnꓤ  ¿ɹǝdɐdpuɐs uo ʇɐs ǝɥ uǝɥʍ ʎɐs ɓop ǝɥʇ pᴉp ʇɐɥM

sʇods ǝɥʇ ʇᴉɥ ǝɹns s’ʇɐɥꓕ  ¿ๅɐǝɯ sᴉɥ pǝɥsᴉuᴉɟ ǝɥ uǝɥʍ ʎɐs uɐᴉʇɐɯๅɐꓷ ǝɥʇ pᴉp ʇɐɥM

ɓop ɐ ǝʞɐʇ ɹo ʞๅɐʍ ǝʍ pๅnoɥS  ¿ɹǝɥʇo ǝɥʇ oʇ ʎɐs ɐǝๅɟ ǝuo pᴉp ʇɐɥM

¡ǝᴉʞɹo⅄ ʍǝN Ɐ  ¿ǝๅddⱯ ɓᴉꓭ ǝɥʇ uᴉ ɓuᴉʌᴉๅ sǝʌoๅ ɓop ɟo pǝǝɹq ʇɐɥM

punoɥpooๅꓭ  ¿ǝʌɐɥ ɐๅnɔɐɹꓷ sǝop ɓop ɟo pǝǝɹq ʇɐɥM

ɓop ɥɔʇɐM  ¿ǝɯᴉʇ ʇsǝq ǝɥʇ sdǝǝʞ ๅɐɯᴉuɐ ʇɐɥM

ɹǝǝp-uᴉǝɹ ʇˌusǝop ʇᴉ sɐ ɓuoๅ sɐ ʻʎɐʞo sˌʇI  ¿sɓop puɐ sʇɐɔ ɓuᴉuᴉɐɹ ʇᴉ sI

ǝɔǝǝๅꓞ  ¿ǝʌɐɥ dǝǝɥs op ʇɐɥʍ ʻsɐǝๅɟ ǝʌɐɥ sɓop ɟI

ɓuᴉʞᴉɥ-ɥɔʇᴉ ʎꓭ  ¿ǝɔɐๅd oʇ ǝɔɐๅd ɯoɹɟ ๅǝʌɐɹʇ sɐǝๅɟ op ʍoH

pǝᴉɟ-ɹǝᴉɹɹǝꓕ  ¿ɹǝʇsuoɯ ɐ ʍɐs ǝɥ uǝɥʍ ๅǝǝɟ ɓop ɥsᴉʇʇoɔS ǝๅʇʇᴉๅ ǝɥʇ pᴉp ʍoH

ɓuᴉɹǝʇʇᴉๅ ɹoɟ ʇǝʞɔᴉʇ ɐ ʇoɓ ǝɥS  ¿pɐoɹ ǝɥʇ ɟo ǝpᴉs ǝɥʇ ʇɐ sǝᴉddnd oʇ ɥʇɹᴉq ǝʌɐɓ ʇɐɥʇ ɓop ǝɥʇ ʇnoqɐ ɹɐǝɥ noʎ pᴉꓷ