Be well- rounded.
Get plenty of sunshine.
Give thanks for life’s bounty.
Have a thick skin.
Be outstanding in your field.
Keep growing. – Think big!

How are gourds so healthy and strong?
How do pumpkins get to the roof?
How do pumpkins greet each other?
How do you fix a jack-o-lantern?
5. How do you make a pumpkin roll?
What did the orange pumpkin say to the green pumpkin?
What did the pumpkin need for its boo boo?
What did the pumpkins say to the pie baker?
What did the pumpkin say to the pumpkin carver?
10. What do adventurous pumpkins do to have fun in their spare time?
What do you call a chubby jack-o-lantern?
What do you call a pretty pumpkin?
What do you call an obnoxious pumpkin?
What do you get if you divide the circumference of a jack-o-lantern by its diameter?
15. What do you give to a pumpkin trying to quit smoking?
What does a pirate jack-o-lantern wear?
What is a pumpkin’s favorite sport?
What is the similarity between pumpkins and cats?
What kind of pumpkin wears a football helmet?
20. What’s a jack-o-lantern’s favorite movie?
What’s black, white, orange, and waddles?
What’s orange and goes “choo choo”?
What’s the best thing to put in a pumpkin pie?
When asked how he was, what did the pumpkin reply?
25. When is a pumpkin not a pumpkin?
Who comes to the field when a pumpkin is sick?
Who helps the little pumpkins cross the street to school?
Who is the grand leader of all pumpkins?
Why are pumpkins not very good at academics?
30. Why couldn’t the teacher take the class to the pumpkin patch?
Why did the chef add baking soda to the pumpkin spice lattes?
Why did the pumpkin cross the road?
Why did the witch color her toenails orange during autumn?
Why didn’t the pumpkin cross the road?
35. Why is Cinderella so bad at football?

A pumpkin patch
A pumpkin patch
A pumpkin patch
Both wait at the porch for their humans to get home.
By pumpkin iron (pumping iron)
Cut it out
Go bungee gourd jumping
Happy Hollowing
Her trick to hide in the pumpkin patch
I’m vine. Thank you
It didn’t have the guts
It fell off the wagon
It was located in a seedy part of town
Patch Adams
Penguin with a jack-o-lantern
Place it at the top of a hill
Please use apples instead
Pulp Fiction
Pumpkin in train-ing
Pumpkin Pi
She had a pumpkin for a coach
The Crossing Gourd
The Pumpking
Their brains were scooped out
They use a jack-o-ladder
To make them even more basic
With a pumpkin patch
When you drop it – then it’s squash
You look a little sick. Get well soon!
Your teeth

Print Pumpkin Poop.
Buy Candy Corn.
Put both in gift bag.


ɥɔɐoɔ ɐ ɹoɟ uᴉʞdɯnd ɐ pɐɥ ǝɥS  ¿ๅๅɐqʇooɟ ʇɐ pɐq os ɐๅๅǝɹǝpuᴉꓛ sᴉ ʎɥM

sʇnɓ ǝɥʇ ǝʌɐɥ ʇ’upᴉp ʇI  ¿pɐoɹ ǝɥʇ ssoɹɔ uᴉʞdɯnd ǝɥʇ ʇ’upᴉp ʎɥM

ɥɔʇɐd uᴉʞdɯnd ǝɥʇ uᴉ ǝpᴉɥ oʇ ʞɔᴉɹʇ ɹǝH  ¿uɯnʇnɐ ɓuᴉɹnp ǝɓuɐɹo sๅᴉɐuǝoʇ ɹǝɥ ɹoๅoɔ ɥɔʇᴉʍ ǝɥʇ pᴉp ʎɥM

uoɓɐʍ ǝɥʇ ɟɟo ๅๅǝɟ ʇI  ¿pɐoɹ ǝɥʇ ssoɹɔ uᴉʞdɯnd ǝɥʇ pᴉp ʎɥM

ɔᴉsɐq ǝɹoɯ uǝʌǝ ɯǝɥʇ ǝʞɐɯ oꓕ  ¿sǝʇʇɐๅ ǝɔᴉds uᴉʞdɯnd ǝɥʇ oʇ ɐpos ɓuᴉʞɐq ppɐ ɟǝɥɔ ǝɥʇ pᴉp ʎɥM

uʍoʇ ɟo ʇɹɐd ʎpǝǝs ɐ uᴉ pǝʇɐɔoๅ sɐʍ ʇI  ¿ɥɔʇɐd uᴉʞdɯnd ǝɥʇ oʇ ssɐๅɔ ǝɥʇ ǝʞɐʇ ɹǝɥɔɐǝʇ ǝɥʇ ʇ’upๅnoɔ ʎɥM

ʇno pǝdooɔs ǝɹǝʍ suᴉɐɹq ɹᴉǝɥꓕ  ¿sɔᴉɯǝpɐɔɐ ʇɐ pooɓ ʎɹǝʌ ʇou suᴉʞdɯnd ǝɹɐ ʎɥM

ɓuᴉʞdɯnꓒ ǝɥꓕ  ¿suᴉʞdɯnd ๅๅɐ ɟo ɹǝpɐǝๅ puɐɹɓ ǝɥʇ sᴉ oɥM

pɹnoꓨ ɓuᴉssoɹꓛ ǝɥꓕ  ¿ๅooɥɔs oʇ ʇǝǝɹʇs ǝɥʇ ssoɹɔ suᴉʞdɯnd ǝๅʇʇᴉๅ ǝɥʇ sdๅǝɥ oɥM

sɯɐpⱯ ɥɔʇɐꓒ  ¿ʞɔᴉs sᴉ uᴉʞdɯnd ɐ uǝɥʍ pๅǝᴉɟ ǝɥʇ oʇ sǝɯoɔ oɥM

ɥsɐnbs s’ʇᴉ uǝɥʇ – ʇᴉ doɹp noʎ uǝɥM  ¿uᴉʞdɯnd ɐ ʇou uᴉʞdɯnd ɐ sᴉ uǝɥM

noʎ ʞuɐɥꓕ ·ǝuᴉʌ ɯ’I  ¿ʎๅdǝɹ uᴉʞdɯnd ǝɥʇ pᴉp ʇɐɥʍ ʻsɐʍ ǝɥ ʍoɥ pǝʞsɐ uǝɥM

ɥʇǝǝʇ ɹno⅄  ¿ǝᴉd uᴉʞdɯnd ɐ uᴉ ʇnd oʇ ɓuᴉɥʇ ʇsǝq ǝɥʇ s’ʇɐɥM

ɓuᴉ-uᴉɐɹʇ uᴉ uᴉʞdɯnꓒ  ¿”ooɥɔ ooɥɔ“ sǝoɓ puɐ ǝɓuɐɹo s’ʇɐɥM

uɹǝʇuɐๅ-o-ʞɔɐſ ɐ ɥʇᴉʍ uᴉnɓuǝꓒ  ¿sǝๅppɐʍ puɐ ʻǝɓuɐɹo ʻǝʇᴉɥʍ ʻʞɔɐๅq sˌʇɐɥM

uoᴉʇɔᴉꓞ dๅnꓒ  ¿ǝᴉʌoɯ ǝʇᴉɹoʌɐɟ s’uɹǝʇuɐๅ-o-ʞɔɐſ ɐ s’ʇɐɥM

uɹǝǝʇuɐๅ-o-ʞɔoſ  ¿ʇǝɯๅǝɥ ๅๅɐqʇooɟ ɐ sɹɐǝʍ uᴉʞdɯnd ɟo puᴉʞ ʇɐɥM

·ǝɯoɥ ʇǝɓ oʇ suɐɯnɥ ɹᴉǝɥʇ ɹoɟ ɥɔɹod ǝɥʇ ʇɐ ʇᴉɐʍ ɥʇoꓭ  ¿sʇɐɔ puɐ suᴉʞdɯnd uǝǝʍʇǝq ʎʇᴉɹɐๅᴉɯᴉs ǝɥʇ sᴉ ʇɐɥM

ɥsɐnbS  ¿ʇɹods ǝʇᴉɹoʌɐɟ sˌuᴉʞdɯnd ɐ sᴉ ʇɐɥM

ɥɔʇɐd uᴉʞdɯnd Ɐ  ¿ɹɐǝʍ uɹǝʇuɐๅ-o-ʞɔɐſ ǝʇɐɹᴉd ɐ sǝop ʇɐɥM

ɥɔʇɐd uᴉʞdɯnd Ɐ  ¿ɓuᴉʞoɯs ʇᴉnb oʇ ɓuᴉʎɹʇ uᴉʞdɯnd ɐ oʇ ǝʌᴉɓ noʎ op ʇɐɥM

ᴉꓒ uᴉʞdɯnꓒ  ¿ɹǝʇǝɯɐᴉp sʇᴉ ʎq uɹǝʇuɐๅ-o-ʞɔɐſ ɐ ɟo ǝɔuǝɹǝɟɯnɔɹᴉɔ ǝɥʇ ǝpᴉʌᴉp noʎ ɟᴉ ʇǝɓ noʎ op ʇɐɥM

uɹǝʇuɐๅ-o-ʞɹǝſ  ¿uᴉʞdɯnd snoᴉxouqo uɐ ๅๅɐɔ noʎ op ʇɐɥM

snoǝɓpɹnoꓨ  ¿uᴉʞdɯnd ʎʇʇǝɹd ɐ ๅๅɐɔ noʎ op ʇɐɥM

uᴉʞdɯnๅꓒ  ¿uɹǝʇuɐๅ-o-ʞɔɐſ ʎqqnɥɔ ɐ ๅๅɐɔ noʎ op ʇɐɥM

ɓuᴉdɯnſ pɹnoɓ ǝǝɓunq oꓨ  ¿ǝɯᴉʇ ǝɹɐds ɹᴉǝɥʇ uᴉ unɟ ǝʌɐɥ oʇ op suᴉʞdɯnd snoɹnʇuǝʌpɐ op ʇɐɥM

ʇno ʇᴉ ʇnꓛ  ¿ɹǝʌɹɐɔ uᴉʞdɯnd ǝɥʇ oʇ ʎɐs uᴉʞdɯnd ǝɥʇ pᴉp ʇɐɥM

pɐǝʇsuᴉ sǝๅddɐ ǝsn ǝsɐǝๅꓒ  ¿ɹǝʞɐq ǝᴉd ǝɥʇ oʇ ʎɐs suᴉʞdɯnd ǝɥʇ pᴉp ʇɐɥM

ɥɔʇɐd uᴉʞdɯnd Ɐ  ¿ooq ooq sʇᴉ ɹoɟ pǝǝu uᴉʞdɯnd ǝɥʇ pᴉp ʇɐɥM

¡uoos ๅๅǝʍ ʇǝꓨ ·ʞɔᴉs ǝๅʇʇᴉๅ ɐ ʞooๅ no⅄  ¿uᴉʞdɯnd uǝǝɹɓ ǝɥʇ oʇ ʎɐs uᴉʞdɯnd ǝɓuɐɹo ǝɥʇ pᴉp ʇɐɥM

ๅๅᴉɥ ɐ ɟo doʇ ǝɥʇ ʇɐ ʇᴉ ǝɔɐๅꓒ  ¿ๅๅoɹ uᴉʞdɯnd ɐ ǝʞɐɯ noʎ op ʍoH

ɥɔʇɐd uᴉʞdɯnd ɐ ɥʇᴉM  ¿uɹǝʇuɐๅ-o-ʞɔɐſ ɐ xᴉɟ noʎ op ʍoH

ɓuᴉʍoๅๅoH ʎddɐH  ¿ɹǝɥʇo ɥɔɐǝ ʇǝǝɹɓ suᴉʞdɯnd op ʍoH

ɹǝppɐๅ-o-ʞɔɐſ ɐ ǝsn ʎǝɥꓕ  ¿ɟooɹ ǝɥʇ oʇ ʇǝɓ suᴉʞdɯnd op ʍoH

)uoɹᴉ ɓuᴉdɯnd( uoɹᴉ uᴉʞdɯnd ʎꓭ  ¿ɓuoɹʇs puɐ ʎɥʇๅɐǝɥ os spɹnoɓ ǝɹɐ ʍoH