My mother was a minister and healer, so was often called upon to help others. One day she told the story of her encounter with a Poltergeist. She was requested to help an unrest spirit leave the premises where it was causing havoc. Mom said she entered the bedroom where she saw the bed floating in mid air. Quite scary when you awake to find yourself near the ceiling. According to the family, this was only one of the pranks which was commonplace in this household.
Her hands became warm as the healing energy flowed. Mom said a prayer and gave a blessing as she visited each room. After her visit, the family reported a peaceful home with no further unusual activity.
Way to go mom!
01. A ghost walks into a bar and is asked “What’ll you have?
02. How did the ghost do at the comedy club?
03. How did the ghost repair the rip in the sheet?
04. How do you write a book about Halloween?
05. What are a ghost’s favorite pants?
06. What did one ghost say to the other ghost?
07. What did the boy ghost say to the girl ghost?
08. What did the Mommy ghost say to the baby ghost?
09. What did the ghost teacher say to her class?
10. What did the papa ghost say to his ghostly children?
11. What do female ghosts use to do their makeup?
12. What do ghosts do when they want to start up a computer?
13. What do ghosts eat for breakfast?
14. What do ghosts like for dessert?
15. What do ghosts sing in the shower?
16. What do ghosts use to clean their hair?
17. What do ghosts wear on their feet when it’s raining?
18. What do guy ghosts wear when they want to look extra nice?
19. What do little ghost kids eat for dinner?
20. What do you call a dancing ghost?
21. What do you call a ghost on the ceiling?
22. What do you call a ghost with a broken leg?
23. What do you call a website for ghosts?
24. What do you call a ghost who avoids work?
25. What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost?
26. What do you say when a ghost steals your money?
27. What do young ghosts call their moms and dads?
28. What happens when a ghost gets lost in the fog?
29. What is a ghost’s favorite direction?
30. What is a ghost’s favorite fruit?
31. What is a ghost’s favorite sticky treat?
32. What is in a ghost’s nose?
33. What kind of buttons do ghosts have?
34. What kind of mistakes do ghosts make?
35. What position does a ghost play in soccer?
36. What road has the most ghosts haunting it?
37. What room do ghosts avoid?
38. What tops off a ghost’s ice-scream sundae?
39. What would you get if you crossed a cocker spaniel, a French poodle, and a ghost?
40. What’s a ghost’s favorite game?
41. What’s a ghost’s favorite ride at the carnival?
42. When do ghouls and goblins cook their victims?
43. Where do baby ghosts come from?
44. Where do baby ghosts go during the day?
45. Where do ghosts go when they’re sick?
46. Where do little ghosts learn to yell “BOO!”?
47. Who protects the shores where spirits live?
48. Why are ghosts like newspaper?
49. Why are ghosts so bad at lying?
50. Why couldn’t the ghost ride the bus?
51. Why did the ghost go to the doctor?
52. Why did the ghost rush home from school?
53. Why did the ghost take his family on an elevator ride every day?
54. Why did the police officer arrest the ghost?
55. Why do ghosts like to go to baseball games?
-A cocker-poodle-boo
-A dead end
-A hobblin’ goblin
-Bahoo or Yaboo
-Because they appear in sheets
-Boo boos
-Boo genes
-Boo jeans
-Boo ties
-Boo-berry pancakes
-Boo-ble gum
-Booly buttons
-Do you believe in people
-Don’t spook until you’re spoken to
-Fasten your sheet belt
-He didn’t have a haunting license
-He didn’t have exact chains
-He is mist
-He was a dead-knockout
-Hide and ghost seek
-I scream
-I think you’re boo-tiful
-I’m here for the BOOs
-In noisery school
-In the moaning
-Lazy bones
-Living room
-Rhythm and boos
-The Ghost Guard
-The roller ghoster
-They boo-t it up
-They like to boo the umpire
-To get a booster shot
-To raise their spirits
-To the witch doctor
-To watch an afterghoul special on TV
-Vanishing cream
-Watch the board and I’ll go through it again
-Whipped scream
-With a ghostwriter
-With a pumpkin patch
-You can see right through them
The Interactive Personality
The Ectoplasm or Ecto-Mist
The Poltergeist / Orbs
Funnel Ghosts