When a witch lands, where does she park?
What happens when a flying witch breaks the sound barrier?
What’s worse than being a 1000-pound witch?
What do you call an overgrown vampire?

Why did the vampire eat a lightbulb?
What’s a ghost’s favorite sandwich?
What did the witch eat at the beach?
How did the bat learn to fly?

What kind of pants do ghosts wear?
Where does Dracula keep his money?
What’s a ghost’s favorite midnight snack?
What do Italian ghosts have for dinner?

Did you hear about the monsters that got engaged?
Baby monster … Mum, I don’t like dad.
What do you do when a monster sits in front of you at the cinema?
What does a vampire do when he has a cold?

Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?
What did the ghost say when she bumped her knee?
What did the black cat call the mouse on roller skates?
Why did the cat cross the road?

A big pain in the neck
A sand-witch
Being her broom
Boo-berry pie and I-scream
Boo hoo
Boo jeans
He had no guts
He takes coffin medicine
He took batting lessons
He wanted a light snack
In a broom closet
In the blood bank
It was love at first fright
Meals on wheels
Miss the movie
Mummy monster. Well just eat the chips
To get to the other side
You hear the broom boom

Dracula decides to have a competition to see which of his bats is the best. So, all the bats take part in this competition. The rules are simple. The bat which sucks more blood than the others is the winner.
The first bat goes and comes back after 10 minutes. Its mouth is full of blood. Dracula says, “Congratulations, how did you do it?” The bat says, “Do you see that tower? Behind it there is a house. I went in and sucked the blood of all the family.” Dracula says, “Very good”.
The second bat goes and comes back after 5 minutes. Its face is covered in blood. Dracula is shocked, “How did you do that?” The bat replies, “Do you see that tower? Behind it there is a hotel. I went in and sucked the blood of all the guests.” Dracula says, “Fantastic”.
Now, the third bat goes and comes after just 1 minute. All of its body is covered in blood. Dracula doesn’t believe his eyes, “How did you do that?” The bat replies, “Do you see that tower?” Dracula replies, “Yes”. And the bat says, “Well, I didn’t”.