Make them for someone special!

apple beet cherries radishes strawberry tomato watermelon cantaloupe carrot orange bananas peaches kiwi lettuce lime mint olives pears peas grapes raisins beans gourd

Don’t you ___ all for me?
Give me one good ___ you won’t be mine!
Hello ___ geous!
I love you ___ much!
I ___ it when I said I love you!
I think you are simply ___!
I’m asking, won’t you ___ be my ‘pod’ner?
I’m just ___ about you!
___ all yours!
Love you from my head ___!
___ you!
___ you glad we met?
Psst! ___ be friends forever!
You are one in a ___!
You are so ___ special to me!
You are the ___ of my eye!
You can get married, but you ___.
You have a ___ of my heart!
You hold the ___ to my heart!
When I think of you, my heart skips a ___
Where have you ___ all my life?
You know we really make a perfect ___ !
You look absolutely ___!

bear beaver bunny caribou deer goose fox lynx moose owl porcupine raven sasquatch skunk squirrel trout turkey turtle wolf woodpecker

___ always love you.
___ you marry me?
Can’t stop ___ about you.
Every___ loves you!
Getting you to marry me was no small ___ . (Hint – known for)
I ___ you’re sweet! (hint – odor)
I could just ___ you up! (Hint – sound)
I find you a___ing.
I love you ___ly!
I think I’ll pick this flower for her, it would ___y romantic.
I’m ___ on you. (Hint – quills)
I’m going ___ for you! (Hint – love to eat these)
Knock Knock! Who’s there? Wood! Wood who? ___ you be mine?
Let us ___ our lives together.
To be away from you is un___able.
We’ll be together ___ eternity!
Where does one find a wedding ring for his deer? Why at the ___tique, of course.
You are the object of my af___tion.
You give me ___ bumps.
You’re ___y amazing.