Cut and Dried

Below, you will find listed fifty notorious expressions. Each of these similes is as old as the hills, is worn to a frazzle, and has by this time become part and parcel of the language. If you want proof of just how insidious they are, just see how they sneaked into the previous sentence.

1. As fresh as a
2. As brown as a
3. As neat as a
4. As smart as a
5. As right as
6. As pleased as a
7. As vain as a
8. As meek as
9. As brave as a
10. As stiff as a
11. As heavy as
12. As light as a
13. As fit as a
14. As green as
15. As black as
16. As white as a
17. As frisky as a
18. As pale as a
19. As happy as a
20. As easy as
21. As hard as
22. As limp as a
23. As slow as
24. As quick as a
25. As funny as a

26. As sly as a
27. As cold as
28. As cool as a
29. As warm as
30. As quiet as a
31. As good as
32. As playful as a
33. As blind as a
34. As fat as a
35. As thin as a
36. As hungry as a
37. As dead as a
38. As clean as a
39. As innocent as a
40. As sweet as
41. As pretty as a
42. As ugly as
43. As stubborn as a
44. As sour as a
45. As pleased as
46. As sober as a
47. As sick as a
48. As clear as a
49. As keen as a
50. As busy as a


1. As fresh as a DAISY
2. As brown as a BERRY
3. As neat as a PIN
4. As smart as a WHIP
5. As right as RAIN
6. As pleased as a PUP
7. As vain as a PEACOCK
8. As meek as LAMB
9. As brave as a LION
10. As stiff as a BOARD
11. As heavy as LEAD
12. As light as a FEATHER
13. As fit as a FIDDLE
14. As green as GRASS
15. As black as COAL
16. As white as a SHEET
17. As frisky as a COLT
18. As pale as a GHOST
19. As happy as a LARK
20. As easy as PIE
21. As hard as NAILS
22. As limp as a RAG
23. As slow as MOLASSES
24. As quick as a FLASH
25. As funny as a CRUTCH

26. As sly as a FOX
27. As cold as ICE
28. As cool as a CUCUMBER
29. As warm as TOAST
30. As quiet as a MOUSE
31. As good as GOLD
32. As playful as a KITTEN
33. As blind as a BAT
34. As fat as a PIG
35. As thin as a RAIL
36. As hungry as a WOLF
37. As dead as a DOORNAIL
38. As clean as a WHISTLE
39. As innocent as a BABE
40. As sweet as SUGAR
41. As pretty as a PICTURE
42. As ugly as SIN
43. As stubborn as a MULE
44. As sour as a LEMON
45. As pleased as PUNCH
46. As sober as a JUDGE
47. As sick as a DOG
48. As clear as a CRYSTAL
49. As keen as a RAZOR
50. As busy as a BEE

1 thought on “Cut and Dried”

  1. I’d never heard 25 before. 36, as hungry as a wolf, I know as hungry as a horse. To be fair to my equine friends, relative to body size, a horse doesn’t eat as much as a bird. But as a hay and grain buyer, I sure can relate to the horse similie!

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