
There were a few favorite TV shows we watched together. Mom would gather all the Ice Cream Sundae fixins. Then we would make ourselves a sundae (or two), enjoy family time, and watch some clean-cut TV shows.

The Littlest Hobo was one of our favorites. After one of these episodes, dad shared some of his travel adventures before he met mom. He would jump a train and travel where the rails took him. Like The Littlest Hobo, he also helped whenever and wherever he saw help was needed. I kidded with him saying my dad was a hobo. He just smiled and nodded.

One adventure he shared was seeing the famous mermaid in San Francisco. That was all he said, leaving the rest up to my imagination. I visited San Francisco in 1997 during one of my International Puzzle Party events. While there, I asked to see the mermaid. As expected, I received quizzical looks and responses. My reply was simply … “my dad said there was a mermaid here, so I am going to find it”. Yes, my friends, there really is a famous San Francisco Mermaid. However, I will admit, it was nothing like I imagined!

FYI – Another Merman

The Littlest Hobo

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

3 thoughts on “Hobo”

  1. I only vaguely remember the series, which is surprising since I think I watched everything featuring a dog or horse!
    That mermaid might make sailors decide to find an inland job! 🙂

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