Temper Temper!!!

Geocache found Thursday, 29 May 2008 … TEMPER, TEMPER!!!

This was quite an adventure. I missed the road sign and asked a biker if he knew where Scaffold Lack Road was. After giving me directions, I asked if he knew what geocaching was. He said he heard of it and always wanted to try it … so I invited him to accompany my shelties and me. Following the GPS, we parked, crossed the stream, and walked uphill … a looong ways uphill. Then the GPS led us into the woods … far, far, far into the woods. There I was in the middle of nowhere, with a stranger, and I had no idea where I was. It was then the geocaching bug took a back seat to reality! Good thing Bob is a nice guy! He was a Vietnam Veteran and knew his way around the woods. He tried to find the “easiest” path for me. We crossed the stream several times, went over rocks and downed trees, across mucky areas, up hills, down hills, etc. More than once I questioned my sanity. I also wondered why in the world there wasn’t a warning in the description as to how difficult this cache was.

Finally, we made it to within 20 feet of the cache. I spotted the telltale signs and let him discover the cache. He opened the container and then we began looking for the log. We sifted through well over half of the ???? before we discovered the log. Very well done! Took nothing, but left a friendship candle and an applique patch.

Since he knew the area so well, I asked (make that pleaded) if there was an easier way out. The way out was very long, but it was along that “old mining road for easy walking or mountain biking” and then along Scaffold Lack Road for several miles (which we could have driven)! He also showed me a geological benchmark embedded in a rock by the side of the road.

Bob totally enjoyed his first geocaching adventure and we will most likely cross paths with him and his family on the geotrail. My two shelties (and me) were really tired by the time we reached the car. They were asleep all the way home.

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