Trust in your senses
Spend time just hanging around with friends
Get a grip
Enjoy the nightlife
Sometimes you’ve just gotta wing it
Guano happens!

-A single bat can eat up to 1,200 mosquito-sized insects every hour, and each bat usually eats 6,000 to 8,000 insects each night.
-Bats use echolocation to find food in the dark. They send sound waves from mouth or nose / Waves hit an object and produce an echo / Echo bounces off object and returns to the bats ears.
-Bats are the only mammals that can fly.
-Bats have four fingers and one thumb. They can use their wings to hold bugs/fruit while they eat.
-Bats are nocturnal.
-Bats sleep upside down in groups.
-Megabats are the large fruit-eating bats. Largest is the Flying Fox with a wingspan of 5+ feet
-Microbats are the smaller insect-eating bats. Smallest is the Bumblebee Bat, the size of a jelly bean.
-There are 900+ different species of bats.
-Bats make up one fifth of the world’s mammals.

1. I am a bat behavior that includes hibernation.
2. I am a bat known for hanging upside down, often seen in a large dark cave.
3. I am a bat known for its ability to navigate using high-pitched sounds.
4. I am a bat known for my love of blood, which is often associated with dark myths.
5. I am a bat that comes out at dusk and is active late into the night.
6. I am a bat that is known for hanging out in large clusters and is often found in caves.
7. I am a bat with a longer wingspan than most and am often seen gliding across the night sky.
8. I am a creature that is sometimes confused for a bat, but in reality, I am a furry flying mammal that lacks wings.
9. I am a device used to detect sounds that are too high for humans to hear, often used to study bats.
10. I am a large bat living in the tropics, with fruit as my favorite food.
11. I am a nocturnal creature with large eyes and a distinctive hoot, often mistaken for a bat.
12. I am a nocturnal mammal with wings; I fly without making a sound.
13. I am a scientist who studies bats and their behavior.
14. I am a small bat found in the tropics, known for my distinctive nose and ability to catch insects.
15. I am a small insect that bats like to eat at night.
16. I am a species of bat known for its large leaf-shaped nose and preference for tropical forests.
17. I am a unique membrane that helps a bat fly, positioned between its toes.
18. I am part of the bat that helps it fly and maneuver in the air.
19. I am the process by which bats hibernate in the colder months to conserve energy.
20.I am the season when bats usually hibernate due to cold weather.
21. I am the term for a bat’s ability to detect insects using sound waves.
22. I am the time when bats are most active, flying and hunting insects.
23. I’m the type of bat that only comes out at dusk, making me a twilight creature.
24. What caused the bat to collide with the computer?
25. What is a vampire’s favorite type of ship?
26. What is the common name for the bat’s nocturnal activity of catching insects in the dark?
27. What is the state called when bats hibernate during the winter?
28. What game does a bat like to play most at night?
29. What made the bat visit the physician?
30. Which day of the week is the bat’s favorite?
31. Why did the bat go to the art museum?
32. Why did the bat go to the restaurant?
33. Why didn’t the bat make any friends?
Bat detector
Bat with echolocation
Blood vessel
Cave bat
Common bat
Flying fox
Flying squirrel
For a quick bite.
Fruit bat
He had heard that there was a rodent inside.
Hide and drink
It loved hanging art.
It was feeling a bit batty.
It was too wrapped up in its own world.
Leaf-nosed bat
Long-nosed bat
Night bat
Night feeding
Twilight bat
Vampire bat
Wing membrane
1H 2C 3B 4V 5N 6C 7F 8F 9B 10F 11O 12B 13C 14L 15M 16L
17W 18W 19H 20W 21E 22N 23T 24H 25B 26N 27T 28H 29I 30B 31I 32F 33I
Adorabat – Aero – Ariel – Bartholomew Batt – Bartok – Bat Boy – Bat Pat – Bat-Thing – Bathsheba – Batman
Batros – Batso – Batty Koda – Bitey Bat – Carmilla Wingbat – Cassiel – Chinook – Common Vampire Bat
Count Chocula – Crobat – Fidget – Foxglove – Frieda – Fu-fu – Future Predator – Goth – Hidabat
Kōmori Nazo – Laylee – Lucky Bat – Man-Bat – Marina Brightwing – Mavis Dracula – Ratbat
Rouge the Bat – Shade – Stellaluna – Throbb – Zephyr
Types / One / Two / Three / Four / Halloween