Create a buzz.
Sip life’s sweet moments.
Mind your own beeswax.
Work together.
Always find your way home.
Stick close to your honey.
Bee yourself!

1. Can bees fly in the rain?
2. How do bees get to school?
3. How do bees make money?
4. What bee is good for your health?
5. What creature is smarter than a talking parrot?
6. What did one bee say to the other when they landed on the same flower?
7. What did the bee say to the flower?
8. What did the bee say when it returned to the hive?
9. What did the bee to the other bee in summer?
10. What did the confused bee say?
11. What did the teacher say to the naughty bee?
12. What do bees call their backup plans?
13. What do bees call wasps?
14. What do bees chew?
15. What do bees do if they want to use public transport?
16. What do bees do when they move into a new house?
17. What do unionized bees ask for?
18. What do you call a bee born in May?
19. What do you call a bee that doesn’t cost anything?
20. What do you call a bee that lives in America?
21. What do you call a bee that works for the government?
22. What do you call a bee that’s been put under a spell?
23. What do you call a bee that’s returned from the dead?
24. What do you call a bee with messy hair?
25. What do you get if you cross a bee with a door bell?
26. What do you get if you cross a bee with a skunk?
27. What does a bee get at McDonalds?
28. What does a bee say before it stings you?
29. What happened when the bee phoned home?
30. What is a baby bee?
31. What is a bee’s favorite classical music composer?
32. What is a bumble bee’s blood type?
33. What kind of bee can’t be understood?
34. What kind of bees hum and drop things?
35. What kind of hairstyle does a bee have?
36. What’s a bee-line?
37. What’s a bees favorite flower?
38. What’s black, yellow and covered in blackberries?
39. What’s more dangerous than being with a fool?
40. What’s a bee’s favorite Shakespeare quote?
41. What’s a bee’s favorite haircut?
42. When do bees get married?
43. Who writes books for little bees?
44. Why are bees good at job interviews?
45. Why did the bee have to go to the doctor?
46. Why did the queen bee kick out all of the other bees?
47. Why do bees have sticky hair?
A Frizz-bee
A bee-gonias
A bramble bee
A buzz cut
A buzzcut
A free-bee
A fumble bee
A hum dinger
A humburger
A little humbug
A maybe
A mumble bee
A pollentician
A spelling bee
A zom-bee
An animal that stinks and stings
Bee positive
Bee-trix Potter
Beehive yourself
Bumble gum
Buzz off
By school buzz
Fooling with a bee
Hey, bud
Honey, I’m home
It broke out in hives
More honey and shorter working flowers
Not without their little yellow jackets
Plan bee
She got a buzzy signal
Swarm here isn’t it
The shortest distance between two buzz-stops
They cell their honey
They kept droning on and on
They know all of the buzz words
They use honey combs
This is going to hurt me a lot more than it hurts you
Throw a house swarming party
To bee or not to bee
To bee or not to bee
Vitamin bee
Wait at a buzz stop
When they’ve found their honey
1N 2B 3T 4V 5A 6B 7H 8H 9S 10T 11B 12P 13W 14B 15W 16T 17M 18A 19A 20A
21A 22B 23A 24A 25A 26A 27A 28T 29S 30A 31B 32B 33A 34A 35A 36T 37A 38A 39F 40T
41A 42W 43B 44T 45I 46T 47T
Types of Bees / Coloring / Coloring