Be flexible.
Keep a low profile.
Think before you strike.
Soak up some sun.
Shed your old ways.
Be thick-skinned.
Don’t get rattled!

Color combinationMeaning
Red on yellow
Red touches yellow, kill a fellow.
Venomous coral snake
Red on black
Red touches black, friend to Jack.
Non-venomous kingsnake or milk snake

What are a snake’s favorite magic spells?
What do most people do when they see a python?
What do you call a snake who works for the government?
What do you call a snake with a great personality?
What do you get if you cross a serpent and a trumpet?
What do you get when you cross a snake and a pie?
What do you give a sick snake?
What is a snake’s favorite dance?
What is snake’s favorite subject?
What snakes are found on cars?
What snakes are good at doing sums?
What’s long, green and goes “hith”?
Why are snakes hard to fool?
Why couldn’t the snake talk?
Why did St. Patrick drive all the snakes out of Ireland?
Why did the viper viper nose?

A civil serpent!
A pie-thon!
A snake charmer!
A snake in the brass!
A snake with a lisp!
Abra-da-cobra and adder-ca- dabra!
Because she adder handkerchief!
He couldn’t afford plane fare!
It had a frog in his throat!
The mamba!
They re-coil!
Windshield vipers!
You can’t pull their leg!

What are a snake’s favorite magic spells? (Abra-da-cobra and adder-ca-dabra!)
What do most people do when they see a python? (They re-coil!)
What do you call a snake who works for the government? (A civil serpent!)
What do you call a snake with a great personality? (A snake charmer!)
What do you get if you cross a serpent and a trumpet? (A snake in the brass!)
What do you get when you cross a snake and a pie? (A pie-thon!)
What do you give a sick snake? (Asp-irin!)
What is a snake’s favorite dance? (The mamba!)
What is snake’s favorite subject? (Hiss-tory!)
What snakes are found on cars? (Windshield vipers!)
What snakes are good at doing sums? (Adders!)
What’s long, green and goes “hith”? (A snake with a lisp!)
Why are snakes hard to fool? (You can’t pull their leg!)
Why couldn’t the snake talk? (It had a frog in his throat!)
Why did St. Patrick drive all the snakes out of Ireland? (He couldn’t afford plane fare!)
Why did the viper viper nose? (Because she adder handkerchief!)