Stand tall and proud.
Go out on a limb.
Remember your roots.
Drink plenty of water.
Be content with your natural beauty.
Enjoy the view!
Fruit comes from a fruit tree, chicken comes from?
How do trees get on the Internet?
What did the nut say when it sneezed?
What did the pine tree wear to the lake?
5. What did the tree do when the bank closed?
What did the tree say to autumn?
What did the tree say to the math teacher?
What did the tree wear to the pool?
What has no fingers, but many rings?
10. What is a tree’s least favorite month?
What kind of fruit do trees like the most?
What kind of tree can fit into your hand?
What kind of tree does a math teacher climb?
What kind of tree has the best bark?
15. Why did the pine tree get in trouble?
Why do frogs have webbed feet?
Why is a tree like a big dog?
A palm tree
A poul-tree
A tree
Because it was being knotty
Dogwood 2x
Gee, I’m a tree
It started its own branch
Its trunks
Leaf me alone
Swimming trunks
They both have lot of bark
They log in
To stamp out forest fires
I have a flat stem causing me to dance when the wind blows. I look like I am quaking in the breeze.
I was once the most important food and timber tree in the eastern hardwood forest. A bark fungus from the Orient decimated over 30 million trees within 40 years. This was the largest ecological disaster in American history.
20. Legend says I once grew straight and tall, and so was used to make the cross upon which Jesus was crucified. Seeing my distress, God decreed that I would be forever small, blooming in April with my blossoms in the form of a cross.
My seeds are wing-shaped, and twirl to the ground like mini helicopters. I am a delight to children of all ages.
Throughout winter, I hold onto my leaves when all others (deciduous) lose theirs. Even though brown and torn, I hold them until new buds appear. This is the promise of spring given through the cold and blustery days of winter.
I have leaves of green year-round (evergreen). I am called the White Roots of Peace by a Native American peacemaker who brought warring tribes of the Northeast together to form the Iroquois Confederacy.
I honor both heaven and earth, with trunk reaching heavenward and leaves brushing the earth.