Allegany State Park – Bear Caves
NOTE … A permit is required to place this cache in Allegany State Park. Call to get the form.
Coordinates … N 42° 00.850 W 078° 48.118 / Parking … N 42° 00.539 W 078° 48.039
Each cacher must send his/her own answers to log a find. … “Geocachers must complete the tasks before they log the EarthCache as found.” (4.3. EarthCache logging tasks)
Enjoy the journey (learning adventure) as well as the destination (smiley earned). Remember to take only pictures and leave only footprints. To get credit for this Earthcache, complete the following tasks:
Answers via message -and- log signature picture are required to post a find for this cache.
1. MESSAGE …. Find examples of two joints in the rocks. Use the cave opening in the pic as your reference point. a. What is the angle? (acute/right/obtuse)? … b. What does this tell you?
2. LOG … Post a picture of you or your signature item at Bear Caves. This picture is your log signature.
OPTIONAL – Please respect the time and effort involved in creating this earthcache by adding A and B to your log.
A. JOURNEY OF THE MIND … Science explains what we observe. Relate (in your own words) something you found interesting in the reading. This adds to your learning adventure and your log.
B. JOURNEY OF THE HEART … Art shares our personal experience of what we see. Share something special you found on site, and why it is special to you. This is a memorable addition to your log and will make other hearts smile.
Journeys of Heart and Mind …
Stories to Touch the Heart and Puzzles to Challenge the Mind / Rainbow Tree Story
THANK YOU Allegany State Park for permission to share this learning adventure.

The rocks are Salamanca Conglomerate deposited via an inland ocean. They are unglaciated rock formations. These caves result from enlarged vertical cracks or joints in the rock. The main jointing is toward the northwest. The secondary or cross-jointing is at right angles to the first set.
As you approach the rocks, you will notice they tilt uphill. When a block breaks away from the main ledge, it naturally tilts downhill. Due to soil creep, the block gradually reverses its angle of tilt as it moves down the slope.
Unlike the caves of Virginia and Kentucky formed by the solution of limestone, bear caves were formed by vertical cracks or joints in the rocks intersecting at right angles. The cave itself is at the intersection of two joints. “The direction of the main jointing is 30 degrees NW which is the trend of Quaker Run valley, suggesting that the position of the valley is likely determined by the major joint system of the region. The secondary, or cross-jointing, is at right angles to the first set and again corresponds closely with the direction of the tributaries to Quaker Run.”
The rocks are Salamanca Conglomerate deposited via an inland ocean. Note the cross-bedding (see pic) evident in the rocks. This is usually produced either by stream or wind action at the time of deposition. However, along shores strong currents or waves could have a similar effect. The flat shape of the pebbles resulting from sliding back and forth in water bears out the beach deposit scenario. Most of the pebbles are white quartz. Also, some of the blocks show vertical worm tubes and occasionally plant remains.
Allegany State Park Staff / ASP Rock Water Erosion
Left right angle -and- Far right acute angle. Direction of the tributaries and Trend of the valley.
Thank you for your EarthCache submission. A few adjustments are required to bring the EarthCache into compliance with the EarthCache guidelines posted at Additional information may be found in the Groundspeak Knowledge Books at
- Recommend enhancing the logging tasks to demonstrate understanding of more of the Earth Science lesson on the EarthCache page. For example, what size are the pebbles in the conglomerate? What is the matrix that holds the pebbles in place comprised of?
- Recommend enhancing the Earth Science lesson to help the novice visitor. For example, why did the visible joints form? What causes “worm tubes” to form. Etc.