Allegany State Park – Drylands/Wetlands
NOTE … A permit is required to place this cache in Allegany State Park. Call to get the form.
Coordinates … N 42° 05.990 W 078° 43.728 / Wetlands … N 42° 06.075 W 078° 43.700
Each cacher must send his/her own answers to log a find. … “Geocachers must complete the tasks before they log the EarthCache as found.” (4.3. EarthCache logging tasks)
Enjoy the journey (learning adventure) as well as the destination (smiley earned). Remember to take only pictures and leave only footprints. To get credit for this Earthcache, complete the following tasks:
The posted coordinates take you to the Butterfly Meadow.
1. MESSAGE …. a. Near what interpretive sign do you find the driest soil? / b. What material was dredged from the lake and deposited here?
2. MESSAGE …. a. Near what interpretive sign do you find the wettest soil? / b. What material was dredged from the lake and deposited here?
3. LOG … Post a picture of you or your signature item anywhere along the trail. This picture is your log signature.
4. MESSAGE …. a. How does the soil feel at the entrance to the boardwalk? / b. How does the soil feel near the bridge that crosses the boardwalk?
5. MESSAGE …. Explain what is causing the difference in moisture levels within so short a distance.
6. LOG … Post a picture of you or your signature item anywhere along the trail. This picture is your log signature.
OPTIONAL – Please respect the time and effort involved in finding and creating this earthcache by adding A and B to your log.
A, JOURNEY OF THE MIND … Science explains what we observe. Relate (in your own words) something you found interesting in the reading. This adds to your learning adventure and your log.
B, JOURNEY OF THE HEART … Art shares our personal experience of what we see. Share something special you found on site, and why it is special to you … prose / story / poem / picture. This is a memorable addition to your log and will make other hearts smile.
C, At one of the “fingers”, there is a platform with an interpretive sign. Explain the importance of the mound and pothole.
Journeys of Heart and Mind …
Stories to Touch the Heart and Puzzles to Challenge the Mind / Rainbow Tree Story
THANK YOU Allegany State Park for permission to share this learning adventure.
THANK YOU Allegany State Park Education Department for information on these two environments.

This is a 0.6-mile interpretive loop trail with information about the sights, sounds and smells of nature. This area was developed from material dredged while forming Red House Lake in 2000 for recreational use. There were pockets of dry and wet mixtures of rock and clay. Consequently, you will experience dry areas and wet areas along the trail. Since clay holds more moisture than rock, the wetter areas are where the clay was deposited.
This is a 90 minute hike over boardwalks constructed in a segment of the wetlands. The viewing areas are connected by “fingers” of the boardwalk. The boardwalk is only a small segment of the wetlands that cover several acres. It is naturally occuring with a base of semi-impermeable clay that acts as an aquitard, impeding the flow of water. Beavers have built dams, which serve to retain the water keeping it higher than it would be without the beaver dams. Even so, this area is realtively shallow averaging 3-4 feet deep. Thus, during the hottest summer months it does dry out, although remaining marshy.
As you walk the boardwalk, there are interpretive signs informing you of the various plants that make the wetlands their home. These plants are able to withstand the varying moisture levels from relatively dry to submerged. Their decay adds to the soil formation of the wetlands.
Trails / ASP Educational Staff
1. There are several areas giving cacher flexibility to explore. These areas are from the rock dredged from the construction of Red House Lake.
2. There are several areas giving cacher flexibility to explore. These areas are from the clay dredged from the construction of Red House Lake.
3. The soil is dryer near the entrance and wetter near the bridge.
4. Several factors are responsible for the difference. There is more clay near the bridge which retains moisture. Also the plants are different at these locations.
C. mound-pothole dug as demo to make a wetland
Adele 716 354 6232 Education Department