PERSONAL STORY … When my daughter was a toddler, she fell against our heater and severely burned her arm. She was screaming in pain. I quickly applied some gel from our Aloe Vera plant to the burn. I knew the healing properties of this plant, but even I was surprised at how quickly she stopped crying. To this day, there is no indication that there ever was a burn. Thank you Heavenly Father and Earth Mother for your wondrous gift!
To use aloe vera gel directly from the plant; simply cut open a leaf and scoop out the clear gel inside to apply it topically to your skin, as it is generally considered safe for most people to use aloe vera straight from the plant.
Harvesting: When taking aloe from the plant, cut a leaf close to the base and carefully remove the yellow latex on the edges before accessing the gel.
Skin application: Apply the aloe gel directly to the affected area on your skin.
Internal application: Use only the gel and eat/drink sparingly.
Potential concerns: While generally safe, some people may experience skin irritation, so always do a patch test before applying to a large area.
See link for information on each type. … Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) – Lace Aloe (Aloe aristata) – Golden Toothed Aloe (Aloe nobilis) – Tiger Tooth Aloe (Aloe juvenna) – Short-Leaf Aloe (Aloe brevifolia) – Red Aloe (Aloe cameronii) – Snake Aloe (Aloe broomii) – Sunset Aloe (Aloe dorotheae) – Malagasy Tree Aloe (Aloe vaombe) – Spiral Aloe (Aloe polyphylla) – Sand Aloe (Aloe hereroensis) – Soap Aloe (Aloe maculata) – Mountain Aloe (Aloe marlothii) – Tree Aloe (Aloe barberae) – Van Balen’s Aloe (Aloe vanbalenii) – Krantz aloe (Aloe arborescens) – Climbing aloe (Aloiampelos ciliaris, formerly Aloe ciliaris) – Coral Aloe (Aloe Striata) – Jewel Aloe (Aloe distans) – Tiger aloe (Gonialoe variegata) – Cape Aloe (Aloe Ferox)

Aloe vera is often know for its ability to soothe a sunburn and other skin irritations, and this popular houseplant is actually a tropical succulent. While there are over 300 varieties of aloe vera, Aloe barbadensis Miller is the most commonly known. It features lance-shaped leaves and spiky flowers, and its leaves break open to reveal a green gel.
How to Grow and Care for Aloe Vera
To keep your aloe plant happy, stick with dry conditions (it can even tolerate infrequent watering) and bright, indirect light (try a sunny windowsill, for example).

-In various traditions, these blooms symbolize endurance and health, echoing the plant’s ability to thrive in arid conditions. Their rare and vibrant appearance has made them emblems of patience and lasting bonds, akin to the aloe vera flower’s representation of enduring love and friendship.
-For centuries, the plant has gained immense popularity for its beauty, health, skin care, and medicinal properties. The name aloe vera was derived from the Arabic word “Alloeh”, meaning a “shining bitter substance” and vera came from the Latin word “vera”, meaning “true”.
-Inhabitants of Mesopotamia and Egypt considered Aloe to be a holy plant. Aloe could keep away the Evil Eye, and played a role in the embalming of dead Pharaohs. Amongst royalty the plant was seen as a status symbol: a king’s standing was measured by the weight of Aloes that he brought for a visit or wedding. Aloe vera was used in Mesopotamia for its medicinal properties. The people of that time believed that illnesses were caused by demons, and aloe was considered a divine plant with the power to exorcise those demons.
-Legends also report that upon the advice of Aristotle, Alexander the Great conquered the island of Socotra to secure supplies of aloe vera to help wounded soldiers.
-Cleopatra used aloe in her daily skin routine! Even after all these years, aloe continues to be a staple in maintaining good health.
-Aloe vera has long been used to treat burns and is commonly known as the burn tree and first aid plant. Due to anti-inflammatory, increased immune activity, anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects, and decreased histamine activity properties of Aloe vera, it accelerates the healing process of burn wounds.
-Numbers 24:6 -“Like valleys they spread out, like gardens beside a river, like aloes planted by the LORD, like cedars beside the waters.”
-Psalms 45:8 – “All your robes are fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia; from palaces adorned with ivory the music of the strings makes you glad.”
-In the Bible the plant was known as ahaloth and it was used as a perfuming agent: Nicodemus brought it mingled with myrrh, to embalm Jesus, “Nicodemus brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about seventy-five pounds. Taking Jesus’ body, the two of them wrapped it, with the spices, in strips of linen.
-The aloe vera plant brings good luck and positive energy to your home. It is believed that the energy it releases can fight off bad vibes and bad fortune.
7 Amazing Uses – 10 Amazing Facts – 12 Uses – Ideas – Living Decor
Use the gel as a natural rooting hormone for plant cuttings.