And after all had been created and was neatly arranged, He looked down upon the people of the earth and said; “I cannot be there to comfort them in their sorrow, I can’t be there to wrap my arms around them.
“I am here and yes, they will feel my presence, but they’ll need something more.” He paused for a moment and then said: “I will create for them someone they can see and touch. I will make this person understanding and compassionate, thoughtful and caring.
“This person will have a warm heart and gentle hands, and all the time in the world, or so it will seem to those comforted. It will never be too late or too early. This person will be a very blessed individual, and many will love this person and come to their door often.
“This person will have to be something very special to take my place, because I love my children very much. I want them to have only the best, for they will have many trials and will need a strong shoulder.” And so He created this individual after much thought and time. Then He said, “I must bestow upon them a name.” He paused for a moment more and then said:
“One of my greatest creations, I shall call this person a Friend.”
Thank you for being my friend.