Begin by choosing your favorite tree.
Place the tree in the center of the Medicine Wheel.
Then proceed by choosing and placing trees 1-12.
Centering Tree
My Centering Tree is Pine
Favorite Tree
Symbolizes the beginning place of one’s growth during this Earthwalk.
WOOD – Moderately soft indicating a gentle firmness.
BARK – Even textured reveals direction awareness.
NEEDLES – Bundles of five resembling a hand. Symbolizes strength and unity. Gentle to the touch.
CONE – Slightly curved indicating flexibility and harmony.
Pine Oil – I use this oil In a diffuser for a serene atmosphere. Rub on temples to eliminate headaches.
White Roots of Peace – Deganawidah is known as the peace-giver bringing the warring nations together and creating the Five Nations Confederacy (Mohawks / Oneidas / Onondagas / Cayugas / Senecas) commonly known as “Iroquois”.
This was a Message of Peace / righteousness, as the desire to see justice embodied / health, meant as harmony of body and mind and a foundation for peace
1 Learning Tree
My Learning Tree is Cucumber
Least known
After studying this tree, knowledge has been increased and a truth has been learned.
CUCUMBER … Research … Love cucumbers and never before heard of a Cucumber Tree.
Cucumber magnolia or blue magnolia, is one of the largest magnolias, and one of the cold-hardiest. It is a large forest tree. They can reach nearly 100’ tall in ideal forest conditions. The name Cucumbertree refers to the unripe fruit, which is green and often shaped like a small cucumber. Magnolia is an ancient genus. Fossilized specimens have been found dating to 20 million years ago.
2 Noble Tree
My Noble Tree is Oak
Demands honor due to its size / shape / height.
Looking up along the trunk, one experiences a feeling of awe.
THE GIFT – Kinship
Named America’s National Tree in 2004. Oak trees can live well over 200 years. The genus Quercus is native to the Northern Hemisphere, and includes deciduous and evergreen (live oaks) species extending from cool temperate to tropical latitudes. The acorns and leaves contain tannic acid, which helps to guard from fungi and insects. Oaks are generally large trees. Can grow 80’ tall and 80’ wide. … We all know that from tiny acorns mighty oak trees grow, but we should add that from tiny acorns also grow deer, gray squirrels, red squirrels, chipmunks, wild turkeys, crows, flying squirrels, rabbits, opossums, blue jays, quail, raccoons, wood ducks—more than 100 U.S. vertebrate species eat acorns.
3 Tree of Acceptance
My Tree of Acceptance is Dogwood
Reveals one’s inner-knowing of truth.
DOGWOOD … Legend … Accept the gift. … Follow path of truth and light.
At the time of the crucifixion, the dogwood had reached the size of the mighty oak tree. So strong and firm was the wood that it was chosen as the timber for Jesus’ cross. … To be used for such a cruel purpose greatly distressed the dogwood. While nailed upon it, Jesus sensed this, and in his compassion said: “Because of your pity for my suffering, never again shall the dogwood tree grow large enough to be used for a cross. Henceforth, it shall be slender, bent and twisted, and its blossoms shall be in the form of a cross – two long and two short petals. In the center of the outer edge of each petal will be the print of nails. In the center of the flower, stained with blood, will be a crown of thorns so that all who see it will remember.” … Grows 33’ high
4 Seeing Tree
My Seeing Tree is Chestnut
Awakens our innermost dreams and appreciation for life’s beauty.
CHESTNUT … Roasted … Love roasted chestnuts.
The dance of the salamanders – Observed a burning candle and made 100+ observations.
The American chestnut was one of the most important forest trees throughout its range before the species was devastated (3-4 billion trees) by the chestnut blight, a fungal disease… Reaches up to 98’ in height and 9.8’ in diameter. … Has more nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium in its leaves when compared to other trees that share its habitat. They return more nutrients to the soil which helps with the growth of the plants, animals, and microorganisms. … Food source for wildlife.
5 Hearing Tree
My Hearing Tree is Birch
Draws forth our power of listening.
Problems are lightened for those who commune in silence at its base.
BIRCH … Planter … Always have warmth of a fire … Listen to Earth Mother tell of her gifts and wisdom
The tree carries ancient wisdom and yet appears forever young.
If warmth is needed when hiking the forest, the gift of birch bark will catch fire even when wet. … Beautiful color and texture of the bark. … Rather short-lived pioneer species (hardy species which are the first to colonize an area) widespread in the Northern Hemisphere. … Small to medium size.
6 Speaking Tree
My Speaking Tree is Hemlock
Tall guardian over the surrounding area.
Tree speaks of confidence with its sturdy trunk and spreading crown sharing its lofty wisdom.
HEMLOCK … PA State Tree … Always speak the truth. … Speaks of past and present
Ranges from 33 –197’ tall … The tree provides a great habitat for wildlife and has some of the smallest cones in the pine family. … The bark of the hemlock is used in tanning leather. The needles of the hemlock tree are sometimes used to make a tea and perfume. … Chosen as the Pennsylvania State Tree because of its importance to the settlers and growth of the state.
7 Loving Tree
My Loving Tree is Willow
Heightens one’s spirit of joy, comfort, compassion, and peace.
They breathe-in the unity of spirit that brings back honor to Mother Earth.
WILLOW … Bark … Flow of water … Sitting under a Willow Tree feels like a hug from Earth Mother.
Willows have watery bark sap, heavily charged with salicylic acid (aspirin and skin topical) Roots are remarkable for their toughness, size, and tenacity to live, and roots readily sprout from aerial parts of the plant. The weeping willow grows to a height of 30–40′ and a spread of around 35′ at maturity. … ART Used to make charcoal (for drawing) and in living sculptures woven into domes and tunnels. … RELIGION 1. Jewish holiday honoring the Exodus. 2. Buddhism one of the chief attributes of compassion. 3. Christian churches in northwestern Europe, Ukraine, Bulgaria often used willow branches in place of palms on Palm Sunday.
8 Tree of Service
My Tree of Service is Apple
Offers its gifts to countless life species.
APPLE … Snack … An apple a day
-It turns out that eating an apple a day really does keep the doctor away – but you’ve got to eat the peel. The antioxidant properties of one fresh apple is equal to 1,500 milligrams of vitamin C.
-The apple tree stands 6’ to 15’ tall in cultivation and up to 30’ in the wild. Worldwide production of apples averages over 80 tons.
-The tree originated in Central Asia, where its wild ancestor, Malus sieversii, is still found today. Apples have been grown for thousands of years and were bought to North America by European colonists.
9 Tree of Respect
My Tree of Respect is Walnut
It displays discipline and the will to live by offering good medicine to sustain all life.
WALNUT … Nuts … Personal space
Grows 33’ – 131’ tall. Walnuts are light-demanding species that benefit from protection from wind. Walnuts are also very hardy against drought. … The trees contain a natural substance called juglone that inhibits the growth of many plants (or just plain kills them). It’s contained in every part of the tree—bark, wood, leaves—but it is strongest in the roots. … Nuts provide food for wildlife. … Walnut shells used as a filler in dynamite.
10 Tree of Beauty
My Tree of Beauty is Maple
Fills everyone with reverence and awe.
Also called the Creative Tree because it is used in illustrations by artists.
MAPLE … Seeds / Candy … Resembles a hand – friendship and service
Vibrant colors in autumn. … Spinning seeds are fun. … Maple syrup – Hmm Hmm Delicious!
Grows 33’ – 148’ tall. Seeds are called “maple keys”, “helicopters”, “whirlybirds” or “polynoses”. … During World War II, the US Army developed a special air drop supply carrier that could carry up to 65 pounds of supplies and was based on the Maple seed. … The maple is a common symbol of strength and endurance and has been chosen as the national tree of Canada. … Maples are a popular choice for the art of bonsai. … Maple is considered a tonewood, or a wood that carries sound waves well, and is used in numerous musical instruments. … Many more gifts from the maple tree.
11 Benevolent Tree
My Benevolent Tree is Mulberry
Has the power to enrich anyone who circles its trunk.
It offers a feeling of protection.
MULBERRY … Berries … Childhood memories.
Climbed. Perched in its branches. … Rested in the shade of its canopy. … Berries are healthy treats.
Grows 20’ – 30’ tall. Attracts a host of fruit-loving birds, such as bluebirds, orioles, tanagers and warblers in spring and early summer when the trees are laden with berries.

12 Tree of Gratitude
My Tree of Gratitude is Sassafras
Also called a Healing Tree.
Offers its healing gifts.
–Grows 30’ – 115’ tall. All parts of the plants are fragrant, and used for culinary, medicinal, and aromatic purposes. … Drinking sassafras tea has health benefits such as detoxifying the body, breaking fevers, thinning the blood, strengthening the immune system, improving skin health, aiding respiratory health, and reducing inflammation.
-There is, however, a controversy surrounding safrole, a compound found in sassafras.