Everyday Miracles – May 2023

Oftentimes we only think of asking spirit and angels for help when we are facing physical and emotional challenges. Today I received unexpected help for a problem that was certainly impacting my daily life.

Three days ago I collected my two sheltie’s daily “gifts” from the small outdoor receptacle to give them a home in the white bowl residing in the bathroom. Always the turds nicely swirled around and made their journey to who knows where. There was a a compacted mound that I swear was made of cement. It refused to break apart in the swirling water and just sat there glaring back. Unfortunately, some did make it down and firmly clogged the passageway preventing any further descent.

I first tried contacting my handyman for help. No response. So, on my own, I tried plunging and plunging some more. Then hot water and more plunging. Then baking soda and vinegar and plunging again. Still no movement except the rising water level when I tried flushing. Finally went to the hardware store and purchased a mechanical snake. Couldn’t use any chemicals, since I had used baking soda and vinegar. The snake brought up some brown stuff, but the clog remained firmly entrenched.

Oh my, three days without a working commode calls for some very creative problem solving. My spirit finally plummeted, and I took a short rest asking for help from above.

I have been taking courses using Tuning Forks (See Journey of Transformation). Received inspiration to use the Angel Tuning Fork that is used for clearing and then adding more soap. Well the white bowl certainly needed clearing, so I listened. Three times I circled the bowl with the Angel Fork, squirted more soap, and plunged.

I’ll tell you, the sound of gurgling, swirling water going down and down, the sight of the brown mess disappearing, the smell replaced by clean air was a wonderful multi-sensory experience. Each time I flush, it now makes my heart smile in thanksgiving for the help from above.

So, thank you spirit and angels for your everyday miracle today that made my life a little more pleasant.

2 thoughts on “Everyday Miracles – May 2023”

  1. I’m a firm believer that whatever works and in this situation and after 2 days so
    glad it did. what a wonderful delightful way this was written very fun to read.

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