We had a delightful stay at the Hampton by Hilton /4179 Main St / Chincoteague VA. The breakfast was outstanding, and a wonderful beginning to our day. Each day was filled with adventures. Each evening found us sitting outside watching the waves and sunsets, or relaxing in the pool area. Of course, Len had to walk out on the teeny tiny board over the water. I had butterflies in my midsection just watching him. This hotel is definitely the one we will choose whenever we visit Chincoteague.

Spent the mornings exploring the area before heading to the beach. Several of the critters we encountered in our walks are pictured.  The statue was inspired by the real-life story of the Beebe family and their efforts to raise a Chincoteague Pony filly born to a wild horse, who would later become known as Misty of Chincoteague. It was such a delight to get my doggie fix, since my shelties are in doggie day care until my return home. Quite the challenge to climb upon the bench, but a lot easier for Carol. Len, the oldest, just hopped up, bless his heart!

We played both mini-golf courses at Surfside Golf. There was a ropes course nearby that I sure wished I had the ability to participate. The blessing of age is added wisdom, but at the cost of decreased physical abilities. Thankful that age has no effect on the spirit!


Each afternoon we headed for the beach on Assateague Island National Seashore. On the way, we often stopped to watch the horses graze on the rich vegetation, and quench their thirst in the myriad of pools. At the beach, we either rested on beach chairs just enjoying the rhythm of the waves -or- ventured into the water. Now, this was quite the challenge for me. The motion of waves and shifting of sand beneath my feet often caused the horizon to spin, sending me scurrying back to shore. Len helped me with my balance as we ventured into the waves with the goal of a depth knee-deep. Ankle-deep and back to shore. Again and again we repeated the water/shore cycle until I made it to my calves. Perhaps in my dreams, I will make it knee-deep and beyond! We saw Carol chuckling as she related the water/shore cycle to the little bird who also engages in a water/shore cycle.


Booked us a tour on Captain Dan’s Around the Island Tours. Sitting at home looking at the gallery with dolphins, eagles, horses, etc., knew this was going to be an awesome adventure. Yep, it surely was, but not the adventure I expected. Had to walk a long narrow plank (pier) to the boat with Len holding my hand to make sure I remained atop. Finally made it aboard the boat and off we went. White-knuckled hanging on to the side for dear life, wondered what in tarnation made me think this was a good idea. The Captain asked why they talked me into taking the cruise. In unison they chirped – “It was her idea”. Knowing a pontoon boat doesn’t sink eased my trepidations, and so relaxed to totally enjoy the cruise. We did see some horses in the distance and a few water birds. All too soon it was time to disembark. Now that challenge I will remember for the rest of my life. The boat was moving, the pier was moving, the water was moving, and the space between the steps seemed to grow in size from the time I ascended them. I was hanging on for dear life frozen in place. Carol later told me Len said, “You have to let go of the boat to get off the boat.” She said there was a boat moored nearby providing entertainment for the captain. Thankfully he wasn’t recording or I probably would have been the star of a video gone viral. With shaking knees and help from both Len and the Captain, made it onto the pier. Len walked beside me and the Captain behind me down the long plank (pier) until I was safely back on blessed terra firma. Quite the memorable adventure, but one I will not repeat.