FRIENDS Punxsutawney
Had a delightful day visiting Punxsutawney PA with Theresa (left) and Carol (right).
The timing for our visit to Gobbler’s Knob was perfect, as we arrived when Phil’s handler was on site.

Walked the trail from Stage to Visitor’s Center enjoying both the informational signs and the metal sculptures.
See GOBBLERS KNOB, PA. STYLE / LOG for pics of informational signs.

Groundhog Day N 40° 55.796 W 078° 57.431
Inner Circle N 40° 55.742 W 078° 57.445
Punxsutawney Phil N 40° 55.694 W 078° 57.443
Groundhog Fun Facts N 40° 55.691 W 078° 57.398
Fireworks N 40° 55.771 W 078° 57.400
History N 40° 55.820 W 078° 57.386

Also completed the Geocaching Adventure Lab where we saw these Phils – near his Library Home and leaving town.

groundhog, (Marmota monax), also called woodchuck, one of 14 species of marmots (Marmota), considered basically a giant North American ground squirrel. It is sometimes destructive to gardens and pasturelands. Classified as a marmot, the groundhog is a member of the squirrel family, Sciuridae, within the order Rodentia.