Place print-outs and items in a gift bag.
BUTTERFINGERS – A reminder that we all make mistakes.
GUM – A reminder that friends stick together.
HUGS & KISSES – A reminder that we all need love and appreciation.
LIFE SAVERS – A reminder that friends are always there to help.
MINTS – A reminder that a good friend is worth a mint.
SNICKERS – A reminder to smile and laugh often.
SWEET & SOUR TARTS – A reminder to appreciate
the differences in others.
A beautiful _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to brighten your day.
An _ _ _ _ _ to guide you along life’s way.
A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to follow as you use your wings.
A _ _ _ _ to wish upon for all that life brings.
A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for luck in all that you do.
A _ _ _ _ _ full of love precious and true.
This special candle comes from a friend,
So when you light it, burn it down to the end.
Because a friendship candle burned down to the end,
Brings happiness to share with your circle of friends.