Enjoy doing the finger/hand exercises with/without putty/spinner.
THE MAGIC SNOWFLAKE has a tune and finger fitness dance.
FINGER FITNESS with Greg Irwin
Finger Fitness Dances for Kids
Take a 1″ ball. Place it between your fingers. Squeeze.
Make a fist while squeezing your fingers into the putty.
Spread a pancake of putty over your fingers. Try to spread your fingers apart.
Bend your finger and loop the putty around it. Try to straighten your finger.
Place putty in the ball of your palm. Press the putty with your fingers.
Pinch the putty between each finger and your thumb.
Give one to a friend and challenge each other to complete the following …
Balance on each finger … Switch between fingers … Toss between hands
Fidget Spinner Tricks
Post Views: 67
How unique and inventive! Thanks for the link from Rainbow Tree -The Magic Snowflake. Loved that too!