There are 28 animals in the picture that make the face, plus the camel. It is amazing that all the animals, except the camel, are easy to locate and identify. Only the camel is difficult to find. However, once found, it is then easy to spot each time you view the picture. Scroll down for the list of animals.
And so it is in our daily earth walk. when we have eyes and heart that truly see, all the wonders around us are no longer hidden.
The camel is a tan profile located in the lower right cheek (your view).
Here’s the list of the 28 animals … goose, elephant, hedgehog, chameleon, dolphin, snail, gopher, fox, sloth, crocodile, thrush, snake, turtle, whale, kangaroo, boa, parrot, shellfish, pelican, starfish, grasshopper, horse, hare, tiger, monkey, bird, peacock, and bear. … Animal Face Game