Temperatures this week are below zero.
-How does a cold horse greet you?
-What did the hot coffee say when iced coffee made fun of him?
-What did the rain say when it was too cold?
-What do Mexicans eat when it’s cold out?
-What do you call a cold you get twice?
-What do you call an encyclopedia in the fridge?
-What do you call an espresso with a cold?
-What do you need if you’re cold, while on the moon?
-What does a painter do when he gets cold?
-What food is served hot but is always cold?
-What has 4 legs and goes booo?
-What type of medicine does Dracula take for a cold?
-When does a peach taste like an eggplant?
-Where do they keep cold sheep in a hospital?
-Why did the computer catch a cold?
-Why do Eskimos wash their clothes in Tide?
-Why do penguins live in the cold?
-Why do supervillains never get cold?
-Why don’t ants catch colds?
-Why should you carry french fries with you when walking your dog on a cold day?
-Why was the football stadium so cold?
-“What the hail?!”
-“Why you gotta roast me like that? That’s cold, brew.”
-A cow with a cold.
-A space heater.
-Because of all the fans.
-Coffin Medicine.
-Cold, hard facts.
-De ja-flu.
-French fries go well with chili dogs.
-He puts on another coat.
-Howdy. Neigh. Brrrrr.
-ICU (icy ewe).
-It’s too cold to wash them out-tide.
-Somebody left the windows open all night.
-They are brrrrrrrrrds.
-They dress in lairs.
-They have tiny anty bodies.
-When ur sick with a cold.
Knock Knock Jokes – Click on Image
Knock, knock.
(Who’s there?)
(Lettuce who?)
Lettuce in, it’s cold out here.
Knock, knock.
(Who’s there?)
(Ken who?)
Ken I come in? It’s cold out here.
Knock, knock.
(Who’s there?)
(Emma who?)
Emma bit cold out here – can you let me in?
Knock, knock.
(Who’s there?)
(Claws who?)
Claws the door, I’m getting cold!
Super funny! Thanks especially for the little levitating dog. I have to remind Marshall of that power!😀