For world wide distribution to all who seek light.
Takapuna … Auckland … New Zealand
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ Light return to Earth.
From the center where the will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the center which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Abundance – Action – Affirmation – Approbation – Assumption – Attraction – Being – Believing – Cleanliness – Color – Communion – Compensation – Confirmation – Contemplation – Cosmic Travel – Creation – Discrimination – Dominion – Equilibrium – Evolution – Forgiveness – Fortification – Fulfillment – Grace – Health – Higher Potential – Immaculate Conception – Increase – Infinity – Justice – Karma – Leadership – Life – Materialization – Mental Image or Idea – Mind – Obedience – Oneness – Physical – Physical Body – Physical Eyes – Power – Praise – Realization – Reasoning – Remembrance – Righteousness – Sixth Sense – Subconscious – Thanksgiving – Transgression – Revelation – Vibration
-This day of Our Lord we shall reveal the hidden meaning of the law of abundance. Oh, yes, there is such a law. This abundance dwells within each man. Each man has within himself all things that shall make his life on earth a paradise, a place of beauty. For God does, indeed, want all “good” for you. If you, as a son of God, are heir to “all that the Father has” ……..if heir, then how, or why should you lack anything for which you have need?
-It is only in your consciousness where you can lack anything, for man lives in his consciousness. This being true, then what are you conscious of? Well, look around you, in your environment. What do you see? Is it poverty, illness, dissension? Whatever you hold in your consciousness must express in your life. “As within, so without”. What does that mean? It means what you think, or visualize, must come into manifestation. This is law!
-Now: “as you think!” What are you thinking? Do you think you are a child of “dust” — that you must eke out some form of existence by the “sweat of the brow?” If so, that is exactly what you must do, because herein is another law: AS A MAN THINKETH IN HIS HEART, SO IS HE.
-Now suppose that you realize that you are a child of Spirit: a spiritual being, and at no time are you separated from the Great Spirit, or the Father, would you not begin to expect your divine heritage as the son of ALL GOOD? This law of abundance does indeed supply every possible need. You have but to look around you and see the abundance of Nature. The earth does give forth of her abundance. It is you who must accept this abundance.
-Who, and what, created all there is? Behind creation is all Energy, one Mind, one Essence. Man’s powerful tool is thought, or visualization. You, then, are creator in human form. You, and you alone, create all you are, your circumstances. Your every mood creates good, or otherwise. You are that which you seek; you do behold that which you are. You call forth in others that which is in you, because if you look at another and see good, or bad, so be it! to you. It is neither good, nor bad, it is merely what you see. and call it.
-Learn to create in your life that which you want. Therein do so many fail. They see things as they are instead of seeing beyond what seems to be the reality, or perfection, or, as they desire it to be.
-You see, it must ever be thus: I desire a thing; To me that becomes my objective. You do not desire the same object that I do; to you this holds no attraction, and so you create your desire, while I will create that which I desire. And so, each man does create according to his thought pattern.
-Now, you may say, “But, I do not want this poverty, this illness, this condition.” Very well, then take your attention from ‘the things you do not want, and keep your mind’s eye on those things you do want. This is Law: WHERE YOUR ATTENTION GOES, YOUR ENERGY FLOWS. It is this very energy that creates your world, your good, your bad. Take your thought, or energy from a given thing, and for you it cannot exist for you will no longer hold it in your consciousness, and nothing can exist for you except in your consciousness.
-Learn this lesson well. It is Truth. Now, how can anything be truth for you unless you “prove me now”! So be it.
-Let us, this day of Our Lord, speak of this great Law of Forgiveness. Invoke this great law in the Name of the Lord, or Law, to forgive all • transgressions against you; real and imaginary. This is the essence of the law of forgiveness. No one can be forgiven unless he is also willing to forgive. None are perfect. No, not one. Each is merely striving for that perfection, and in the striving, mistakes are made. It is well, for in that manner do all learn. But, having learned the lesson therein, do you go forth and “sin no more” or do you repeatedly make the same mistakes over and over again. If you do, you have not learned the lesson and must experience the effect of such a mistake. When the Great Master Jesus said, “Go and sin no more” it was the same as saying, “You are healed!” because it is this “sinning”, or making the mistake that causes dis-ease in the body. Why? because there are certain laws governing the universe, the body of man, and when man obeys these laws he will live in harmony, and harmony is health.
-There can be no perfect health as long as man harbors unforgiveness, which is merely the negative feelings of hate, intolerance, criticism, for if you truly forgive your fellowman you cannot harbor such emotions, and you are forgiven because you have first forgiven. Learn this law; obey it always. It brings true happiness, or heaven on earth. So be it!
-This holy day we shall reveal the inner meaning of the Karmic law. It is not the ominous law so many believe; it is merely the law of cause and effect. Since man on earth has been given free will, always, it is his choice, or will to choose the way he shall live. Now then, man can only do that which he believes is right and good. As long as he believes in his own heart he is doing right, it is, indeed, right. Man is a law unto himself. This great gift was given him since time began. However, if Man shall sow wheat, he shall reap wheat. If he shall sow “good”, surely good shall follow him “till the end of his days”. And, likewise, the man that sows evil must certainly reap what he has sown. This is the great Karmic Law.
-Now, is there a way to sidestep the effect of such a law? Yes, there is! through the saving grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who said, “Come unto me, all you who labor and are heavy laden. I will give you rest!” Now suppose you have done a wrong, must you continually, lifetime after lifetime, pay for this wrong? O, no! The first point is to repent, or stop doing wrong; ask forgiveness, and as you forgive yourself so are you forgiven.
-You have been told: “Tho your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as snow”. So they shall be as you work out your salvation or your way through the wilderness of your own making. For, like the prodigal son, it is you who must first turn about and start back to the Father. He will, indeed, meet you more than halfway, with great rejoicing. He will not say that because of karmic law you must continue to wallow in the mire. No, because you have paid the karmic debt through your suffering in the “mire”. You may now invoke the Law of Forgiveness! Amen.
-In the Name of the Most High, we give you the Law of Praise! “Praise the Lord, O my soul,” sang the psalmist. Why? Why should the soul praise the Lord? Because praise is an essence that flows from the one praising. It is a blessing breathed on all things you praise. It lifts the heart to great heights where the laws of man do not function, but the Higher Laws exist and transcend the law of man.
-O, praise all things, for they are, indeed, good! Good for the particular soul who does experience the thing that comes upon him. Praise the good! Praise the bad, for in. that manner you praise the bad into the good. It is law. Whatever you praise must turn into good. Man is law unto himself. He has within him the power of praise that shall shape his very life into a heaven on earth.
-This is the day we give thanks; a day of thanksgiving. Let each day be a day of thanksgiving. O, children of earth, if you knew the power of thanksgiving. Give thanks for all things. All things great and small, good, bad, for all things are for a purpose. If you are faced with a problem, give thanks, for there are no problems; there is an answer. Just ask the Father within. If some seeming disaster comes upon you, give thanks. When it is past you will be stronger, well equipped to help another through a similar experience.
IN PROGRESS … Action – Affirmation – Approbation – Assumption – Attraction – Being – Believing – Cleanliness – Color – Communion – Compensation – Confirmation – Contemplation – Cosmic Travel – Discrimination – Dominion – Equilibrium – Evolution – Fortification – Fulfillment – Grace – Health – Higher Potential – Immaculate Conception – Increase – Infinity – Justice – Leadership – Life – Materialization – Mental Image or Idea – Mind – Obedience – Oneness – Physical – Physical Body – Physical Eyes – Power – Realization – Reasoning – Remembrance – Righteousness – Sixth Sense – Subconscious – Transgression – Revelation – Vibration