Name the Beast

Each of the 25 phrases is a common expression which characterizes a human in terms of the animal world.
Diligent Worker = Busy Bee

1. A solo adventurer
2. A saloon habitue
3. An enthusiastic doer
4. An usurious money lender
5. A ne’er-do-well easy-chair frequenter
6. A chronically unpleasant visage
7. An inconsiderate driver
8. A dawn-rising go-getter
9. A jazz-dancing addict
10. A rejected legislator
11. An undersized individual
12. A betrayer of criminals
13. A shapely young miss
14. A family disgracer
15. An incessant laborer
16. A nocturnal live-one
17. A reporter
18. An auto mechanic
19. An abnormally timorous individual
20. One of the jazz cognoscenti


1. Lone wolf
2. Barfly
3. Eager beaver
4. Loan shark
5. Lounge lizard
6. Sourpuss
7. Road hog
8. Early bird
9. Jitterbug
10. Lame duck

11. Shrimp
12. Stool pigeon
13. Slick chick
14. Black sheep
15. Work horse
16. Night owl
17. News hound
18. Grease monkey
19. Fraidy cat
20. Hepcat

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