The Book of Matthew Parables / The Book of Mark Parables / The Book of Luke Parables

“The parables of Jesus retold to throw light on today’s problems. In order to reveal their perennial beauty and value, April Oursler Armstrong has movingly retold forty of Jesus’ parables, including The Sower and the Seed, The Good Samaritan, The Mustard Seed, The House Built on Rock, and The Prodigal Son, and has made them as pertinent to the lives of twentieth-century men and woman as they once were to those who first heard them in Galilee.”

11 Stories – Parables of Jesus
Farmer and Seeds / Good Samaritan / Wealthy Man / Great Banquet / Lost Sheep
Prodigal Son / Lost Coin / Pharisee and Tax Collector / Two Builders / Unforgiving Servant / Three Servants
New Patch on an Old Cloth (Episode 1) / The Wineskins (Episode 2) / The Sower (Episode 3)
The Salt of The Earth (Episode 4) / The Light of The World (Episode 5) / The Prodigal Son (Episode 6)
The Lost Sheep (Episode 7) / The Mustard Seed (Episode 8) / The Yeast (Episode 9)
The Wheat and The Weeds (Episode 10) / The Hidden Treasure (Episode 11) / The Pearl of Great Value (Episode 12)
The Net (Episode 13) / The Wedding Banquet (Episode 14) / The Lowest Place (Episode 15)
The Ten Bridesmaids (Episode 16) / The Barren Fig Tree (Episode 17) / The Good Samaritan (Episode 18)
A Seed Growing By Itself (Episode 19) / The Widow and The Unjust Judge (Episode 20) / The Pharisee and The Tax Collector (Episode 21)
The Friend At Midnight (Episode 22) / The Workers In The Vineyard (Episode 23) / The Wicked Tenants (Episode 24)
The Last Judgement (Episode 25) / The Children At Marketplace (Episode 26) / The Vultures (Episode 27)
The Rich Fool (Episode 28) / The Birds Of The Air (Episode 29) / The Lilies of The Field (Episode 30)
The Faithful Servant (Episode 31) / The Unmerciful Servant (Episode 32) / The Talents (Episode 33)
The Two Sons (Episode 34) / The Rich Man and Lazarus (Episode 35) / The True Vine (Episode 36)