Essential Oils / Palma Christi / Olive Oil / Balsamic Oil

Was amazed to learn that this oil works to balance all aspects of your being … physical / emotional / mental / spiritual.
Why this oil works so effectively is a mystery. Perhaps the premise in this novel provides the answer. Hmmmm …

I saturate several layers of gauze with the oil each night
and place on the soles of my feet, my abdomen, or elsewhere as needed.

Began using this oil a short time ago, and am seeing results. The most notable is some relief from the daily pain. Was taking mostly Naturopathic pain meds with some Allopathic pain meds when it became excruciating. Since using the oil, pain is tolerable without taking any meds. I can now bend to pick up things from the floor without the excruciating pain. I am also discovering fears are dissolving, replaced by peace of mind to cope with the challenges.