“Grandfather, why is the grass GREEN?”
“My child, the grass is green because it has the ability to hold the light of the sun within its heart.”
“I do not understand, Grandfather. The sun isn’t green. So, why is the grass green?”
Grandfather smiled. “The answer lies in the beginning of time. It was then that each creation was given a special color, rhythm, and form. Within each color, each rhythm, and each form is a lesson. These lessons guide us to the heart of the Creator. Together, the grass beneath our feet, the leaves upon the trees, and all green plants teach us the lessons of abundance and transformation.
“First, look at the Earth. Where do you see Earth’s green children growing?”
“Grandfather, they are growing everywhere I look.”
“Yes. Wherever there is a ray of light, you will see them.
“Some grow in the hottest deserts where they provide an oasis of comfort and rest. Others grow in the land of ice and snow, where they radiate the warmth of their color and form.
“Some nestle in the crevices of barren hillsides, where their scattered forms work toward replenishing the land. Others cover the fertile soil, where they yield an abundance harvest.
“Some grow within Earth’s many waters, where their strength lies in blending their rhythm with the flow of the water. Others grow firmly rooted within the Earth, where their strength lies in the depth of their roots.
“Some form a canopy above our heads, while others form a carpet below our feet.
“Yes. Earth’s green children do, indeed, grow everywhere we look.
“Now, look within a blade of grass. What do you see?”
“Oh, Grandfather! The blade of grass is filled with a tiny circle of light.”
“Herein lies a great mystery. This circle of light is the rhythm which unites all living things in the brotherhood of life. It teaches us the lesson of transformation. Within this circle, the light from Grandfather Sun is used to transform the outbreath of life and the waters of the Earth into pure air and food for all Earth’s children. Through the chain of life, light reaches every part of the Earth, even the dark places where the light of the sun cannot be seen.
“Cover the grass and do not allow light to shine on it. What happens?”
“Grandfather, the grass is no longer green. It looks like it is dying.”
“Yes, my child. All the plant children, who have the circle of light within their hearts, carry the color green. These children transform the light of the sun into the abundance that supports all life. If the light of the sun were withdrawn, there would be no life on Earth.
“Finally, look within the heart of a sunbeam and tell me where you see the green ray.”
“Grandfather, there is a rainbow within the heart of the sunbeam, and the green is in the very center of the rainbow.”
“You see, my child, each blade of grass, and indeed all green plants, teach us the lessons of abundance and transformation. The color green teaches us the lesson of balance.
“And so it is, if we wish to have a life filled with joy and abundance, we need to hold the light of the sun within our hearts, and walk in balance with all Earth’s children.”

Find an example for each
of Earth’s Green Children mentioned.
“Some nestle in the crevices
of barren hillsides … “
“Others cover the fertile soil, where they yield an abundant harvest.”

Cultivate lasting friendships.
Sow seeds of kindness.
Listen to sage advice.
Don’t let the little things bug you.
Be outstanding in your field.
Take thyme for yourself.
No vining!

What do you get when you plant kisses?