INDIGO - As Above So Below
“Grandfather, what color is the night sky?”
“What color is indigo?”
“A deep blue.”
“Then the sky is always blue.”
“Grandfather, why is the sky always blue?”
Grandfather smiled. “The answer to your question lies in the long ago. The children of Earth wished to become one with the Creator. The children of night said the way was through the stillness of being. The children of day said the way was through the joy of doing. Soon there was great strife among the children of Earth.
“One day the Creator called a Council of all the Wise Ones. They were to select a gift that would show the children of Earth the path to Oneness.
“For a long time all were silent. Then, one spoke saying: “Let the colors of Earth be painted across the sky by night as a guide to the Heavens. Let the colors of the Heavens be painted across the sky by day as a guide to the Earth. Then, let both be one. Thus, the color of the sky will proclaim the Way for all to behold.”
“And so it is, the sky is always blue.”
“But, Grandfather, I do not understand. How are the colors of Earth a guide to the Heavens? How are the colors of the Heavens a guide to the Earth?”
Grandfather smiled. “First, my child, we must gather the colors of the Earth. They are found deep within the heart of the flowers.”
So the old one and the young one journeyed together until they gathered all the colors of Earth’s rainbow. Then Grandfather again spoke. “Now, my child, blend each color until they are one. What do you see?”
“Within the darkness of night, you can look beyond the Earth into the Heavens. Then, as you enter into the stillness within, all the mysteries of the universe will be revealed to you. And so it is, the colors of Earth are a guide to the Heavens.
“Now, my child, we must gather the colors of the Heavens. They are found within the heart of each sunbeam.”
So the old one and the young one journeyed together until they gathered all the colors of Heaven’s rainbow. Then Grandfather again spoke. “Now, my child, blend each color until they are one. What do you see?”
“Within the light of day, you can see all that surrounds you. As you enter into the joy of doing, the wonders of Earth will be revealed to you. And so it is, the colors of the Heavens are a guide to the Earth.
“You see, my child, the darkness and the light were made one within the color of the sky. And so it is, the color of the sky shows the Way to Oneness with the Creator.”