Written by E. S. Summerday … Illustrated by B. E. Tarbox
Red (Flame of Life)
Orange (Beckoning Splendor)
Yellow (Illumination)
Green (Green Magic)
Blue (Reflections)
Indigo (As Above So Below)
Violet (Mountain Glow)

“Grandfather, why is fire RED?”
“To answer your question, my child, we must first learn about fire.
“Each fire is different.
“Some change all that is around them with great speed. The colors of their flames reveal what is in their hearts. We know them by the wondrous light and warmth they give.
“Others burn more slowly. We know them by their glow.
“Still others burn so slowly we are unable to see them. We know them, not by their flame nor their glow, but by the changes we see.
“Each fire is also the same.
“Each needs warmth to begin life, food to continue life, and air to breathe.
“To learn why fire is red, we must first learn about the color red. Look into the heart of a sunbeam. Tell me about the red ray.”
“Grandfather, the red is at the very beginning of the rainbow. It is the longest and warmest of all the colors.”
“The colors and wonders of fire are as varied as the colors and hues of the rainbow. Even though flames are many colors, red is the color of fire and the flame of life.
“You see, my child, the answer to your question is not an answer, but rather an understanding of the flame of life.
“The needs which unite all fires also unite all of us in the brotherhood of life. Each begins with the divine spark of light and warmth from the heart of the Creator, just as red begins the colors of the rainbow.
“The longest river which flows throughout the universe is the river of life. This river flows within each Creation. It carries the divine breath through which each flame and each spirit is sustained. Through divine breath all Creation is interwoven, for it is the outbreath of one which is the inbreath of another.
“Just as the kind of fuel determines the quality of the fire, so does the spirit determine the quality of life. The more freely the spirit flows, the brighter the flame of life glows.
“The colors of the flame reveal the nature of the fuel. So it is with the spirit. The flame, which burns within the heart and enfolds each individual, clearly reveals the spirit within.
“In some we see a golden sun, bringing light and warmth to all. In others we see a gentle glow. In still others we can see no light at all. Their light is like a small candle burning upon a vast planet. We know them, not by their light, but by the changes we see.
“Many times in the asking of a question, a path of understanding is opened before us. So, my child, in all your questionings look not only for the answers, but also for the understandings, which will reveal to you the mysteries of the universe.”

“Grandfather, why is the sky painted orange at each sunrise and each sunset?”
“My child, the sky is painted orange because it is the canvas upon which the Lifeblood of Earth’s children, embodied within each dream, is blended with the Light of Creation.”
“Grandfather, is that why we honor the rising sun each morning and the setting sun each evening?”
“Yes, my child. These are the times when the dreams of Earth’s children are written across the sky for all to behold.”
“Grandfather, was their always a sunrise and a sunset?”
Grandfather smiled. “No, my child. In the beginning, there was the blazing light of a noonday sun without gentle cover of clouds. There was also the total darkness of a midnight sky without light of moon or stars. Without a sunrise to gently herald the coming of day, the children of night lived in fear of being blinded by the sudden light. Without a sunset to gently herald the coming of night, the children of day lived in fear of being lost in the sudden darkness. And so it was that fear filled the hearts of the children of Earth.
“One day, The Creator called a Council of all the Wise Ones. They were to select a gift for the children of Earth. So, the Wise Ones came to Earth and lived among her children. As they journeyed into the day and into the night, the peace within their hearts drew many unto them. Before long, the children of the day and the children of the night mingled together. One shared the joy that the light brought, while the other shared the peace that the darkness brought. Fear no longer found a home in the hearts of the children of Earth. In its place dwelt the Light of Creation planted in the stillness of night and nurtured in the joy of day.
“When the Wise Ones returned to the Creator, all agreed on a gift. Let there be a gentle awakening of the day. Across the sky let there be a record of the dreams of Earth’s children planted in the stillness of night. Let there be a gentle awakening of the night. Across the sky let there be a record of the joy brought by the fulfillment of those dreams.
“So you see, my child, the dreams of all Creation are blended in each Sunrise, and the fulfillment of those dreams are blended in each Sunset. And so it is, the greater our dreams, the more brilliant is each Sunrise and each Sunset.”

“Grandfather, why is the sun YELLOW?”
“Loook at a ray of sunlight as it passes through a raindrop. What do you see?”
“Oh, Grandfather! I see a beautiful rainbow.”
“Yes. Each ray of sunlight contains a rainbow of colors. Then, why do we see only one color, instead of a rainbow?
“First, let’s journey with the sun from the first rays of the morning to the last rays of the evening. Earth is enfolded in darkness until the first rays awaken another glorious day. A crimson sphere appears, and its rays tint the underside of the clouds with dazzling colors. Slowly, the crimson color gives way to a brilliant yellow, which illumines the noonday sky. The last rays paint the face of the sun with a flaming orange until darkness again enfolds the Earth.
“And so it is, the sun makes the same journey each day, as it has from the beginning of time. The colors and patterns, however, change each day, and are as varied as the children of Earth.
“You see, my child, the Sun bathes the Earth in a steady beam of light, which contains all the colors of the rainbow. Each child of Earth reflects only a part of the light. That reflection is the color we see.
“Now, look within the rainbow. Tell me about the yellow ray.”
“It is the brightest of all the colors, Grandfather.”
“Like the ray of sunlight which is one with the sun, so are we one with the Creator. Like the rainbow, which expresses all the colors of the ray of sunlight, so do we come to Earth to express all the qualities of our being. When we feel separate from the Creator, it is because we are reflecting only one aspect of our being, like one color of the rainbow.
“The yellow lights our way to the center of our being. It is there we draw near to the heart of the Creator. From the center, we clearly see both the ray of sunlight and the rainbow …. our oneness and our uniqueness.
“So, you see my child, when we look at Grandfather Sun from within the center of our being, we see the pure light and wisdom of the Creator.”

“Grandfather, why is the grass GREEN?”
“My child, the grass is green because it has the ability to hold the light of the sun within its heart.”
“I do not understand, Grandfather. The sun isn’t green. So, why is the grass green?”
Grandfather smiled. “The answer lies in the beginning of time. It was then that each creation was given a special color, rhythm, and form. Within each color, each rhythm, and each form is a lesson. These lessons guide us to the heart of the Creator. Together, the grass beneath our feet, the leaves upon the trees, and all green plants teach us the lessons of abundance and transformation.
“First, look at the Earth. Where do you see Earth’s green children growing?”
“Grandfather, they are growing everywhere I look.”
“Yes. Wherever there is a ray of light, you will see them.
“Some grow in the hottest deserts where they provide an oasis of comfort and rest. Others grow in the land of ice and snow, where they radiate the warmth of their color and form.
“Some nestle in the crevices of barren hillsides, where their scattered forms work toward replenishing the land. Others cover the fertile soil, where they yield an abundance harvest.
“Some grow within Earth’s many waters, where their strength lies in blending their rhythm with the flow of the water. Others grow firmly rooted within the Earth, where their strength lies in the depth of their roots.
“Some form a canopy above our heads, while others form a carpet below our feet.
“Yes. Earth’s green children do, indeed, grow everywhere we look.
“Now, look within a blade of grass. What do you see?”
“Oh, Grandfather! The blade of grass is filled with a tiny circle of light.”
“Herein lies a great mystery. This circle of light is the rhythm which unites all living things in the brotherhood of life. It teaches us the lesson of transformation. Within this circle, the light from Grandfather Sun is used to transform the outbreath of life and the waters of the Earth into pure air and food for all Earth’s children. Through the chain of life, light reaches every part of the Earth, even the dark places where the light of the sun cannot be seen.
“Cover the grass and do not allow light to shine on it. What happens?”
“Grandfather, the grass is no longer green. It looks like it is dying.”
“Yes, my child. All the plant children, who have the circle of light within their hearts, carry the color green. These children transform the light of the sun into the abundance that supports all life. If the light of the sun were withdrawn, there would be no life on Earth.
“Finally, look within the heart of a sunbeam and tell me where you see the green ray.”
“Grandfather, there is a rainbow within the heart of the sunbeam, and the green is in the very center of the rainbow.”
“You see, my child, each blade of grass, and indeed all green plants, teach us the lessons of abundance and transformation. The color green teaches us the lesson of balance.
“And so it is, if we wish to have a life filled with joy and abundance, we need to hold the light of the sun within our hearts, and walk in balance with all Earth’s children.”

“Grandfather, why is the sky BLUE?”
“My child, the sky is blue because it is a reflection of the water below.”
“Grandfather, then why is the water blue?”
“My child, the water is blue because it is a reflection of the sky above.”
“I do not understand, Grandfather.”
“Look at the sky. What do you see?”
“There is one sky stretching as far as I can see, Grandfather.”
“Yes. It matters not where upon the Earth we stand. The sky extends unbroken as far as we can see…. and even beyond that.
“Look at the water. What do you see?”
“There are many waters, Grandfather, and they are all different.”
“Yes. Some are very tiny and thread their way almost unnoticed. Others are very large and command your attention.
“Some are like mighty thunder and can be heard from afar. Others are quiet and you hear them not.
“Some are so deep they extend to the very heart of the Earth. Others are so shallow they live only on the surface of the Earth.
“Some are so clear you can see all that is in them. Others are so dark you can see nothing at all.
“Some travel with the lightness and joy of youth. Others travel with the dignity of age.
“Yes. There are, indeed, many waters.
“So, my child, just as there is one sky, so is there One Creator who extends throughout the Universe … and even beyond that.
But, the Creator is not separate from the Creations, nor are the Creations separate from the Creator …
Rather, they are reflections of each other. So, what One is that also is the Other.”

INDIGO - As Above So Below
“Grandfather, what color is the night sky?”
“What color is indigo?”
“A deep blue.”
“Then the sky is always blue.”
“Grandfather, why is the sky always blue?”
Grandfather smiled. “The answer to your question lies in the long ago. The children of Earth wished to become one with the Creator. The children of night said the way was through the stillness of being. The children of day said the way was through the joy of doing. Soon there was great strife among the children of Earth.
“One day the Creator called a Council of all the Wise Ones. They were to select a gift that would show the children of Earth the path to Oneness.
“For a long time all were silent. Then, one spoke saying: “Let the colors of Earth be painted across the sky by night as a guide to the Heavens. Let the colors of the Heavens be painted across the sky by day as a guide to the Earth. Then, let both be one. Thus, the color of the sky will proclaim the Way for all to behold.”
“And so it is, the sky is always blue.”
“But, Grandfather, I do not understand. How are the colors of Earth a guide to the Heavens? How are the colors of the Heavens a guide to the Earth?”
Grandfather smiled. “First, my child, we must gather the colors of the Earth. They are found deep within the heart of the flowers.”
So the old one and the young one journeyed together until they gathered all the colors of Earth’s rainbow. Then Grandfather again spoke. “Now, my child, blend each color until they are one. What do you see?”
“Within the darkness of night, you can look beyond the Earth into the Heavens. Then, as you enter into the stillness within, all the mysteries of the universe will be revealed to you. And so it is, the colors of Earth are a guide to the Heavens.
“Now, my child, we must gather the colors of the Heavens. They are found within the heart of each sunbeam.”
So the old one and the young one journeyed together until they gathered all the colors of Heaven’s rainbow. Then Grandfather again spoke. “Now, my child, blend each color until they are one. What do you see?”
“Within the light of day, you can see all that surrounds you. As you enter into the joy of doing, the wonders of Earth will be revealed to you. And so it is, the colors of the Heavens are a guide to the Earth.
“You see, my child, the darkness and the light were made one within the color of the sky. And so it is, the color of the sky shows the Way to Oneness with the Creator.”

“Grandfather, why do the mountains look violet when we look at them from afar?”
Grandfather smiled. “Each place where Sun and Earth touch holds a special lesson for each of us on our Earth Walk.
“First, look within the heart of a sunbeam and tell me about the violet ray.”
“Grandfather, the violet is at the very end of the rainbow. It is the smallest and most powerful of all the colors.”
“Now, look at the mountains. Among all Earth Mother’s children, how are they special?”
“They are the largest.”
“You see, my child, the mountains are the first of all Earth’s children to receive the rays from Grandfather Sun. They absorb the colors of the rainbow into their hearts. The violet rays are the mountains’ gift to Earth Mother. With this gift, each mountain is bathed in a violet glow. Herein lies the answer to your question, and a lesson for each of us on our Earth Walk.
“A rainbow of lessons await each of us on our Earth Walk. Like the mountains, whose greatness is built from each grain of sand, so is our greatness built from each lesson we accept into our hearts. As we give to others the very best within us, no matter how small it may seem, we too will be bathed in a special glow. Through this glow, we can help others look to the peaks, and together receive the light and wisdom of the Sun.”