“My son, go to the Singing Forest and return with the most beautiful piece of wood you can find.”
The Singing Forest!
Grandfather only went there when he had a very special gift to make.
“Grandfather, what makes the wood from the Singing Forest so special?”, asked Little Deer.
“It is within this Forest that we are still in harmony with Nature.
Here, Nature knows only of our love, and still gives willingly of Her gifts.
The love remains within the gift to unite us with Nature in a oneness of spirit.”

When Little Deer arrived at the edge of the Singing Forest, he asked permission to enter as Grandfather had taught him.
“We enter someone’s home only when we are invited. Nature deserves the same respect. You will know Her answer by either the feeling of welcome or the feeling of distance you feel deep within your heart.”
Little Deer waited until he felt welcomed. Then he entered the forest to search for the most beautiful piece of wood he could find.
He looked up.
There was his namesake looking directly at him and beckoning him to follow.
Little Deer followed him through the forest until he stopped at a branch lying nearby.
Nestled between the roots of a great White Pine was a branch with exquisite patterns.
Little Deer felt a deep warmth when he saw the branch. This was the piece of wood he was looking for.
Grandfather smiled when he saw Little Deer’s choice.
“Very good, my son. Now, bring me a hammer and nails.”
Little Deer was surprised. Grandfather always used a special carving knife when working with wood …. never a hammer and nails.
He started to question Grandfather. However, the gentle, yet firm, look in his eyes told him to do what was asked without question.

When Little Deer returned with the hammer and nails, Grandfather said, “Good, my son. Now hammer all the nails into this piece of wood.”
With each nail that pierced its heart, the beauty of the wood lessened. Little Deer saw tears well up in Grandfather’s eyes as each nail entered the wood.
Finally, all that remained was a mass of metal heads marring the once beautiful lines of the branch.
“Good, my son. Now remove all the nails.”
When the nails were removed, only a series of gaping holes remained.
“Very good, my son. Now return to me the piece of wood as you originally found it.”
“That’s impossible, Grandfather. The wood is full of holes and its beauty is gone.”
“Yes, my son. And so it is with your unkind words. Each time an unkind word is spoken, it leaves its mark in someone’s heart, just as these nails have left their mark in this piece of wood.”
Little Deer then understood Grandfather’s wisdom. He thought of all the unkind things he had been saying to his family and friends. Tears now filled Little Deer’s eyes and he wished there was some way he could undo the hurt he had caused.

After a time, Grandfather again spoke.
“Bring me some bread, water, and sunflower seeds.”
When Little Deer returned, he found Grandfather sitting beneath a nearby White Pine with his carving knife and the nail-pierced branch. Under Grandfather’s magic touch, the holes in the wood were transformed into a series of patterns that blended with the patterns in the wood. When he finished, Little Deer was amazed, for the branch had regained its beauty. It was different than it originally was, but it seemed even more beautiful.
Grandfather then filled each carving
…. some with bread
…. some with seeds, and
…. some with water.
He lifted the branch and nestled it between two branches of the White Pine.
Soon, many different birds came to the branch.
They filled the air with wondrous color and melody.
You see, my son, we are all growing.
As we grow, we will make many mistakes.
But, as we strive to live with hearts filled with love and forgiveness,
the sorrow will be transformed into lessons and experiences
which will bring us great joy.”

Draft of music. Revising when learning curve reaches goal.
Download for individual use only.