Drip …. Drop …. Drip …. Drop ….
Her tears fell in time with the raindrops. The other children called her Little Misfit because, no matter how hard she tried, she just didn’t seem to belong.

Was it so strange to believe that there is life and love in all things …. And that everyone and everything is related?
To share her feelings of singing with the rain, dancing with the wind, and embracing each plant and animal as one, only earned her the title of Little Misfit.
Thus, instead of joining in the games and laughter of the other children, she often found herself alone.
She watched the tears and raindrops mingle with the gentle stream flowing at her feet. The rain, the stream, and her tears all mingling together spoke to her of the kinship that flows through all creation.
She leaned against the tree at her back and felt its support. Her eyes scanned the sky, and she saw the sun’s rays filter through the raindrops, forming a myriad of tiny rainbows.
“Why the tears on such a glorious day?”
She rubbed her eyes for it seemed that the voice came from a rainbow by her side.
“Come with me.”
The voice did come from the rainbow! And now it formed a path at her feet. She stepped onto the rainbow path, and where a moment before she felt sadness, now she felt happiness.
The path led to a small cabin surrounded by a circle of trees. At the door of the cabin stood a woman with gentle eyes and warm smile, who radiated both the beauty of youth and the wisdom of age.
“My child, the wind and rain have told me of your tears. Take my hand and walk with me for a while.”
Little Misfit felt an overwhelming sense of belonging and happiness in this woman’s presence.
“What is your name?” asked Little Misfit.
“What is your name, my child?”
“My name is Joy, but the other children call me Little Misfit, because I don’t seem to belong anywhere.”
“Your name is Joy, yet I see tears. Others call you Misfit, and you accept it. There are many names given to each creation by those who behold it …. But, the only names that matter are those that you accept and write within your heart. So, my child, my name is whatever you choose to call me.”
“I will call you Love, for I feel loved when I am with you.”
So, Joy took Love’s hand and together they walked to the nearby forest. While they walked, Love often stopped to converse with the wind, the water, the sunbeams, the rocks, the soil, the trees, the flowers, the birds, and many other forest dwellers. When they returned, Love told Joy of the life and the love that is within all things, and that indeed everyone and everything is related.
“When we look with eyes that see, ears that hear, and a heart that knows all creation as brother and sister, we are one with all things. In that Oneness we feel joy even in the midst of sorrow, and a belonging even in the midst of separation.”

Drip …. Drop ….
The last of the raindrops were finding their way to earth from resting places upon the leaves. Each one released the rainbow within its heart when the sun smiled upon it.
She looked around her. Was it a dream …. Or, was it real?
Then she looked within her heart and saw the names written there. She felt wondrous happiness as she sang with the bubbling stream, and danced with the gentle zephyrs.

“My name is JOY.”
She felt a oneness and knew she belonged.
“My name is LITTLE MISS FIT.”
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