Beyond Neptune, a newer class of smaller worlds called dwarf planets reign, including longtime favorite Pluto. Thousands more planets have been discovered beyond our solar system. Scientists call them exoplanets (exo means “from outside”).
Follow your own path.
Give yourself some space.
What goes around comes around.
Be attractive.
Pull yourself together.
Have a stellar attitude.
Stay centered!
Here are 15 questions about planets in our solar system. What is the name of the correct planet that answers each question?
1. Which planet is nearest the Sun?
2. Which planet is named for a Sea God?
3. Which planet is marked with canals?
4. Which planet has just one moon?
5. Which planet has no moons?
6. Which planet has a twilight zone?
7. Which planet has a reddish color?
8. Which planet is covered with clouds?
9. Which planet has a mysterious red spot?
10. Which planet is furthest from the Sun?
11. Which planet has rings?
12. Which planet is first beyond Saturn?
13. Which planet has the most moons?
14. Which planet has the largest moon?
15. Which planet revolves backwards around the Sun?
1. Mercury – 2. Neptune – 3. Mars – 4. Earth – 5. Venus and Mercury
6. Mercury – 7. Mars – 8. Venus – 9. Jupiter – 10. Pluto
11. Saturn – 12. Uranus – 13. Jupiter – 14. Saturn – 15. Neptune
Didn’t know about Mercury’s twilight zone. Thought Jupiter had the largest moon – wrong! Didn’t know about contrary Neptune. Must have known that at some point. Guess it backed out of my brain!