Every afternoon two monks strolled in the garden of the monastery. One day as they were walking along a wooded path, one of the monks asked the other if he thought it would be a pleasant experience to have a cigarette as they took their walk. The other agreed, but they decided they should ask the master of the monastery for his permission.
The next day as they came out for their walk, one of the monks was smoking a cigarette but the other was not. “We agreed to ask the master,” said the monk not smoking.
“That is so, and I did,” replied the other.
“I asked permission to smoke and was refused.”
“How did you ask?”
“I approached the master and said, “Master when I am walking and meditating in the garden is it all right if I smoke a cigarette?” and he said, “Absolutely not!”
“You see my brother, it is in the asking of the question that you were refused. I approached the master and said, “Master, when I am smoking in the garden, is it all right if I meditate?” and he said “Certainly.”
its always in the way it is said and the approach that makes all the difference. we all look at things in different ways which makes life so
unique and fun to be with other people.