This was written and illustrated by clayshaper in 2014 for the Challenge Trail – Alien Encounter.
Illustrate your alien with different body parts. Write a story of how your alien came to look the way it does.
This is a family-friendly alien who keeps its naughty parts undercover.
Female body parts are NOT allowed. Male body parts are NOT allowed.

Once upon an Earthlike planet in a solar system not too far away (close enough for the residents to have visited Earth many times), there were three intelligent species.
Not fairly intelligent or passably intelligent, but, rocket scientist, quantum physicist, wormhole understanding intelligent. Every one of them.
Unfortunately, intelligence does not equal wisdom, or even common sense. These three intelligent species spent hundreds of years trying to be top Karzet (a not-quite as intelligent species analogous to the canine family of Earth).
Wars, genocide and generally beastly behavior was the rule until all three species had fallen below a sustainable population. Shock! Consternation! Desperation!
Enter the geneticists.
The basic body configuration, ears and horn of the Wufrens (who, on ancient visits to our planet were the inspiration for the Centaur and the Unicorn).
The clawlike hands and feet, the beaklike lips and wings of the Vaeton (Harpies, anyone?)
The fins, eyes and hidden auxiliary gills of the only aquatic species, the three toed and fingered Capioliv. (The Earth legend of a sea god with a trident has its roots here.)
And, in what may have been pure whimsy or in an attempt to make Binixians more attractive to the natives of other Earth-like planets, the scientists added hair. (Genetic source unknown.)
So, there are no more wars on Binix. There is a stable, sustainable population of rather awkward, but totally equal, citizens who regard the tiny genetic differences found in Earth’s dominant species with a sort of paternal, or maternal, condescension.
Oh, and on the subject of paternal/maternal, that too was homogenized. Binixians are now both, and, in their maternal moments lay a single, ambient temperature incubation, egg so that no one has to assume a gender role (shudder) to hatch the next generation.
So now, a representative (and offspring) is here to greet us. His/her intentions really are peaceful and friendly.
But remember…
Only one species can be top Karzet!