Tricky Riddles

1. If a plane crashed exactly on the border between France and Italy, where would the survivors be buried?

2. “I can tell the score of a baseball game before it even starts,” you declare. What’s the score?

3. If a clerk in a butcher’s shop is six feet tall, what does he weigh?

4. A farmer owns seventeen cows. All but nine die. How many does he have left?

5. How much dirt is in a hole two feet by two feet by two feet?

6. Take twelve apples from seventeen apples, how many do you have?

7. How far can a dog run into the woods?

8. Why can’t a man living in New York be buried in California?

9. How many eights in 80? Ten? Right. Now, how many times can you take ten from 100?

10. Some months have 31 days; some have 30. How many have 28?

11. How many birthdays does the average woman

12. Do they have a 4th of July in England?

13. A cowboy rode for 18 hours to get to the nearest town. It also took him 18 hours to ride back to the ranch. Yet he did it all on Sunday. How can this be?

14. If you had only one match and walked into a room in which there was a candle, a fireplace containing several logs, and an oil stove, which one would you light first?

15. How many animals of each species did Moses take on the Ark?

16. Is it legal for a man living in Australia to marry his widow’s sister? If not, why?

17. Which is correct? 25 and 8 is 34, or 25 and 8 are 34?


1. It’s against the law to bury the living.
2. Zero to zero
3. Meat
4. Nine
5. None
6. Twelve
7. Halfway; after that, he’s running out of the woods.
8. He isn’t dead.
9. Just once. Next time you’d be taking ten from 90.
10. All of them
11. She has one birthday. Everything after that is an anniversary of the birthday.
12. Yes. They also have a 5th …
13. Sunday was the name of his horse.
14. The match
15. It was Noah’s Ark. Moses hadn’t been born yet.
16. He’s dead.
17. 25 and 8 is 33.

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