Found this interesting …

Reply from a friend …
Just looked it up.
An author named John Koenig made them up for a book called The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows.
He uses a lot of Greek (and others) components to coin his new words.
It’s interesting, but most of the words are too complex to catch on, especially in a time when most people’s vocabularies are shrinking.
My reply …
Vocabularies aren’t the only things shrinking – work ethic, morals, honesty, loyalty, etc. etc. What used to be unacceptable behavior is now acceptable.
I am so thankful for my two shelties. Our four-legged companions embody all the best that we two-leggeds would be better off if we followed their example.
The following is a true story. Do you know of any two-leggeds that would respond to cruelty the way this dog did?!
A young man took a dog into a boat, rowed to the center of the Seine, and threw the animal over, with intent to drown him. The poor dog often tried to climb up the side of the boat; his master as often pushed him back, till, overbalancing himself, he fell overboard. As soon as the faithful dog saw his master in the stream, he left the boat and held him above water till help arrived from the shore, and his life was saved.
Great story!

In response, I’ll make up my own word: corcanis. Heart of a dog.