Thursday December 14th, three friends enjoyed the Festival of Lights in Hamburg, NY. Then spent a couple hours visiting. Carol is better at night driving, so she volunteered to drive home. We had a pleasant time chatting while travelling and enjoying the passing landscape. Carol abruptly pulled off the road, and I asked why are we stopping. She said a buck bounded from the wooded bank, ran into the vehicle, then bounded back into the woods.
I sent a prayer of thanksgiving for the following miracles …
Carol and I were unhurt.
I was spared seeing the impact.
The buck was able to return to the woods.
We were able to drive home.
When arriving home, Carol had to exit the passenger side door, a challenging feat because the damage on the driver’s side door prevented the door from opening. The next morning, the tow truck driver arrived and was trying to ascertain how he was going to get the car onto the flatbed. Gave him the key to give to the body shop. I was amazed when he went to the car and easily opened the door. Hmmm?! The quote assessed the damage at nearly $7000.
Gift from the heart (Gift/Kinship) was rejected and demeaned by one whom I dearly care about, but have received much creative unkindness over the years. … “Received your package today. Thank you for the kind thought. Too bad I’m hungry and cannot eat your dead tree”.

The above email came at 5:00 while Barb, Carol, and I were enjoying the Festival of Lights. Just before 8:00 received another email from her requesting several thousand dollars at the same time the above accident occurred. Hmmm … Interesting synchronicity that makes one pause.
Thank you spirit for your protection of Carol and I, for the buck able to return to the woods, and possibly for the message that synchronicity imparted.
Amazing that the front end damage didn ‘t extend far enough back to make driving home impossibleI
Miraculous that you and Carol escaped without a scratch!
Glad that the buck didn’t pay for his bad judgement with his life.
Sorry that the sphere of protection couldn’t block the cruel text or the unbelievable demanding one that followed. It’s a tribute to you that you can still care deeply about such an undeserving person.
Synchronicity indeed! I often wish that messages would come to us directly instead of symbolically so we wouldn’t be left wondering.
Once again, cheers for everyone’s safety and for the fact that cars can be repaired.
So sorry to learn of the accident but so thankful that neither you nor Carol were hurt. Also glad the buck was able to run away hopefully unharmed.
I am also so sorry to hear about the response to your gift given with great love, thought and from your heart being mocked and not accepted as it was given. You are a kind and loving individual who does not deserve such harsh treatment.
I hope you know how much you are loved and appreciated and the thoughtfulness you put into gift giving is always amusing 😊 and appreciated as well.
Love you Cuz!!😊💖💖💖
love the write up about our trip. We had a beautiful day together and enjoyed
such a fun day. Sorry that the bad energy caught up to us through such a
beautiful creature that God created. It truly is amazing that the buck walked
away from all of this. We will move forward with love and kindness in our hearts
and not be wade down with the adventures that we have planned for next year.
I’m sorry this happened and I know your gift was sent with only love in your
heart but don’t let unkindness ruin the person you are keep smiling my
friend always.