
Received the above surprise gift today (Dec 3rd), which made my heart smile. There was no card, so thought it was from one of the two that send me a gift every Christmas. Contacted cousin and was told – not from me but know who sent it.

It actually came from one who I dearly care about, but who holds me in great disdain. The person she told was one she holds in high regard. Hmmm, not the only time this has happened. So, why send a gift with no card and only tell the one she dearly cares about?

My heart still held some of its smile, so called to say Thank You. No answer. Sent text to say Thank You. No reply. Being ignored certainly eroded more of that smile. I have received much creative unkindness over the years, so have no idea why receive a gift only to be completely ignored.

Love the tree with the twinkling lights. Perhaps the lighted tree represents, if even for only a moment on some level, she realized the reasons am held in such high disdain are truly who I am not. So, simply enjoying the tree and sending thanks on the wings of love.

3 thoughts on “Surprise”

  1. all gifts at Christmas should be sent with love in your heart.nothing unkind
    should be done all year but especialy at this time of year. its a beautiful gift
    and I pray it was sent to you with love and with quilt from prior expressions of
    passed exchanges as a way of apologizing for a terrible wrong that was done to
    a very kind and loving heart. Merry Christmas with love to you and all.

  2. Oh, my. Lovely gift with uncertain motives.
    My best advice (which I’m sure you don’t need) is to embrace the beauty and the warmth that it SHOULD represent.
    No Grinches allowed!

  3. What a wonderful gesture. I believe it was given out of Love and to possibly work towards making amends. A positive attitude in accepting the gift could further help improve the relationship.

    Such a great gesture! I believe it was done out of Love and to reach out to make amends. Focusing on the positive goes a long way into further healing old calloused wounds.

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