Gentle Giant

I have had many animal companions through the decades. The Madagascar Hissing Cockroach was certainly unique and elicited a variety of responses. This gentle giant of the insect world has been introduced to both youth and seniors. I consider it a miracle when fear is replaced by wonder.

Harry was gently placed in each hand that wanted to experience being close to him. My hands were placed beneath for support of both volunteer and critter. Seeing each one experience a connection with a creature most despise, made my heart smile. I am sure that all who experienced their close encounter with this gentle giant will cherish the memory.

The Madagascar hissing cockroach is a gentle creature, all hiss and no sting. Its alarm hiss is the cockroach’s attempt to scare off intruders. With their thick and waxy exoskeletons, Madagascar hissing cockroaches may look like big pests, but they’re actually important to the health of the rain forest. They are detritivores, which means they eat decaying plant material and animal carcasses. They recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem. Also, these critters bear live young, so they are not as prolific.

Magical Companions – Hissing Harry

National Geographic Kids

How would you help me solve the following problems?
-It’s getting light out and I need a place to hide for the day!
-I need to use all my senses to find food to eat. Would you remind me which body parts go with which senses?
-Help me understand all the changes I go through from the beginning of my life until the end of my life.
-I really am quite wonderful.  So, why do humans consider me a pest?
-I have been around for a long time.  What plants and animals have I seen that humans will never see?

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