
I find it interesting that one word (cockroach) usually elicits an unfavorable response. Yet there is a species that is gentle and valuable in many ways. It makes me wonder how often one word has had a negative response when understanding changed perception.

Hissing Harry is a Magical Companion story.

Gentle Giant explains how the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach may look like big pests, but they’re actually important to the health of the rain forest. The video shows why this cockroach is the best pet invertebrate.

My Experience …
…I have had many animal companions through the decades. The Madagascar Hissing Cockroach was certainly unique and elicited a variety of responses. This gentle giant of the insect world has been introduced to both youth and seniors. I consider it a miracle when fear is replaced by wonder.
…Harry was gently placed in each hand that wanted to experience being close to him. My hands were placed beneath for support of both volunteer and critter. Seeing each one experience a connection with a creature most despise, made my heart smile. I am sure that all who experienced their close encounter with this gentle giant will cherish the memory.

…Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches are live bearers producing only a few offspring as opposed to other cockroaches who are egg layers and produce hundreds of offspring.
…Cockroaches are considered one of the most unhygienic and undesired pest because of the food they feed on and places they visit. For example, besides feeding on food scrapes and water, they favor decaying and decomposed matters and typically sources found in garbage bins.
…Cockroaches have extremely strong and flexible exoskeletons, which make them almost impossible to squish, withstand the hardest stomp or the toughest newspaper. They can also flatten themselves to fit into tight spaces and crevices, making for an easy getaway.
…So perhaps consider a positive contribution to the lowly cockroach. They turn decaying matter into living matter.

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